Interview with the Band Faded Shades (UK)

By Mick Michaels

The Cosmick View: Hello, and welcome to The Cosmick View/MBM Ten Pounder! Thanks for taking some time to chat with us! 

CV: Describe your definition of the bandā€™s sound and style and how does that definition uniquely describe the music?
Faded Shades: The definition of our music is soultastic, orgasimic, crazy shit.

CV: Today, everyone talks about artist and audience connection. Is such a level of connection actually achievable for an artist and if so, how have you made the connection to your fans?
Faded Shades: Nahā€¦peopleā€™s attention spans is too short for connection these days. You have a three second window to impress and itā€™s too short to engage with them. Itā€™s much easier to log onto Pornbub for a quick serotonin hit.

CV: Is fan interaction an important part of the bandā€™s inner culture?
Faded Shades: Yes for sure. We love any interaction. The more insulting the better to be honest, because most interaction is so beige and boring. We entertain any form of criticism with the same level as any form of praise.

CV: Can a band truly interact with its fans and still maintain a level of personal privacy without crossing the line and giving up their ā€œpersonal spaceā€ in your opinion?
Faded Shades: No not really. Itā€™s all about selling your soul. You have to constantly post meaningless content rather than putting out a more is less vibe. A band ultimately wants to make manful music, we donā€™t want to be influencers or nob heads for click bait, but it doesnā€™t matter. You have to stoop to the lowest form of Tik Tok silliness to even trigger algorithms. The music doesnā€™t seem to even matter.

CV: Is music, and its value, viewed differently around the world in your opinion?  If so, what do you see as the biggest difference in such multiple views among various cultures?
Faded Shades: I think South America still has a decent definition and appreciation for actual artist content rather than cheap social media tricks. I wish we could turn off the internet and go back to the 90ā€™s personally. People, art, relationships seemed to mean more growing up. Now the technology comes first.

CV: Do you feel that a band that has an international appeal, will tend to connect more so to American audiences? Would they be more enticed or intrigued to see the band over indigenous acts because of the foreign flavor?
Faded Shades: English rock n roll will always sell I think. We get the highest streams in USA and would most like to tour there. So itā€™s in our favor to impress yanks. Plus a tour in an RV would be incredible; I donā€™t think we would ever come home.

CV: Has modern-day digital technology made everyone an artist on some level in your opinion? Have the actual lines of what really is an artist been blurred?
Faded Shades: Oh for sure. Itā€™s made it so hard to be noticed because you are competing with every bedroom artist. False belief and support for people with no talent for comedic values damages true artists. The whole music industry seems to have turned into audition stages of X factor, where you only watch for the laughs and melt downs rather than finding any value. Humanity as a whole is living in a stale age of easy gags rather than finding any sustenance to actually live by.

CV: How would you describe the difference between an artist who follows trends and one who sets them?
Faded Shades: People who set trends do not make it anymore, unfortunately. You have to follow suite and become a social media pawn. All of my favorite artists would never make it in todayā€™s music industry because you are so heavily judged on click bait style algorithms. Itā€™s just a front with zero soul and so many decent artists go to waste over pleasing a failed systemā€¦terrible time to be in a band, unfortunately.

CV: Has music overall been splintered into too many sub-genres in an effort to appease fan tastes in your opinion? And has such fan appeasements, in actuality, weakened musicā€™s impact as a whole by dividing audiences?
Faded Shades: Divided audience is just proof that people still crave new music. The people at the top should stop idolizing soccer mum shit like George Ezra and invest in actual musicians again. People used to mock the Simon Cowell style of selecting the next star, now everyone actively follows creations and pop sensations who are just manufactured idiots. So many people enjoy watching the Beatles documentary but have no interest in discovering or supporting the net big band. Itā€™s a sad state of affairs and one I hope underground indie will change.

CV: What can fans expect to see coming next from you?
Faded Shades: We have new music out now and a new single releasing next week! Stay up to date with our moves via the handle @fadedshadesband.

CV: Thanks again for taking some time and talking. It is greatly appreciated.

Check out Faded Shades at:

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The Cosmick Voice
Music, Talk & Nothing But Business

My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

Pamela Aloia: Author, Energy Healer, Teacher
Spiritual Counseling and Sessions Available

The Cosmick Voice
Music, Talk & Nothing But Business

March Baby Media
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