Interview with the Members of Northern Redemption

By Mick Michaels

Cosmick View: Hello, Pontus and Thomas! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to chat with me, it's greatly appreciated.

CV: Do you feel artists are often more aware and in touch with their inner emotions and thoughts than non-artists due to the nature of their creative personalities? And if so, could this be considered a benefit when it comes to composing and songwriting?
Pontus Nilsson: As a general rule, perhaps not. But of those “creators of art” who are in touch with their inner emotion, it is highly possible it benefits. Also, it can depend on other issues. I know that my composing skill set and quality varies depending on things like life, security, love and weather.

Another thing to consider is whether emotion shows outward from a person. Who can tell if someone has connected with his/her emotions?

Thomas Furustig: I think it is more influenced by which genre you play, but of course, you can be influenced by your surroundings. It can be beneficial that you are an emotional person if you write lyrics that will touch the listener's heart. Otherwise, good imagination is enough.

CV: For an artist to be successful, do you think having an in-depth knowledge of worldly topics can provide a stronger pallet of songwriting tools as opposed to the artist who just writes based on personal experiences? Do you see any limitations in your opinion?
PN: When I listen to music, I, more or less, never listen to lyrics. I’m not very interested, and furthermore, I don’t have much interest or I would have said it myself. And even with this calculated, of course it has limitations. Music can be inspired from so many channels beyond music itself.

TF: I absolutely believe that the more you read about the subject you want to write, the better lyrics you will get in the end.Then the lyrics do not have to be the decisive part of a song. Much can be described with rhythms, beats, structure. Harmony and arrangement together can make a song popular and make the band a success.

CV: The new norm has turned the music industry on its heels and back again due to the COVID pandemic. What do you see as a way bands will move forward to promote themselves without having the availability to tour and perform live as restrictions continue to be in effect worldwide?
PN: The COVID-norm is the new norm. The Digital revolution has come, and COVID just gave it a nudge in the already taken path. We not only see how bands can promote and perform through the internet, but also, as a few examples, how artists can be virtual…music can be written by AI…interfaces will be obsolete.

I will embrace this, though I think LIVE-music has its own nerve. I can only hope newer generations will cultivate it.

TF: I agree with the Pontus. COVID-19 has created new rules and new ways to spread and share musical experiences. The technology has quickly improved, for example, live streaming, etc…however, it will not replace Festivals with community outdoors in large arenas or small clubs. Until then, I hope the pandemic ends so we can return to live gigs with real audiences.

CV: Can the music world survive without live performances in your opinion? Could such a scenario jeopardize fan loyalty and interest?
PN: The music world transforms and adapts, so yes, it will always survive, with or without live performances…same with the concept of fans. In the digital revolution, maybe “fans” will have much more influence in the creation and composing.

CV: For you, what has been the greatest life lesson learned from the events of 2020?

PN: For me, personally, nothing. For me, humanly, yes…we will all die, and why not from a pandemic. While we wait, let’s play some music!

CV: If you could go back in time and start 2020 all over again, what would you do differently, especially knowing what you know now?
PN: Can’t think of anything. What does that say about the free will!?

TF: Oh, difficult question…probably nothing at all. The future cannot be influenced to the extent that you can change everything. And I think it's good that man cannot change what has been. Everything happens for a reason.

CV: What do you believe separates your music from other similar sounding bands? How does the music make a distinction and what are you hoping fans come away with after listening to your music?
PN: We are five individuals, and right now we are in the process of making the band’s DNA from our five members. Maybe we will only give you the joy from “A hell of a ride-gig”, but maybe we will break the ground under your feet!

TF: Pontus is on the right track. We are five different people with different orientations of music…it allows us to get a constellation of a bit from each individual who creates a dynamic that makes Northern Redemption sound like we do.

CV: From your experience, can specific songwriting styles or formulas pigeon hole a band over time, possibly creating limitations, or does having a particular style create a level of freedom and uniqueness for both a songwriter and a band? Would having such a specific songwriting style be more appealing to fans as opposed to a diverse approach in your opinion?
PN: Some bands/artists evolve, other do not. Some fans like it, others do not. Personally, I am extremely sprawling, both composing and listening. And I love it! I don’t even think the limitations should be the walls of music.

TF: In many cases, I actually think you should fall into a kind of template where you are consistent in your writing within that genre so the listeners/fans know what to expect.

Jumping between different genres I think can be dangerous if you want to target a larger audience. Then there can easily be confusion for your fans and then I think it will be harder to keep them close.

CV: Do you feel music still holds a place in our current culture of social media distancing and instant gratification? Does music still have the same meaning as it once did in our world?
PN: The meaning might differ through time, maybe parallels with how life itself changes. But probably there will always be some kind of meaning. A thousand years from today music will have made people believe in God. Today music can sell diapers. I believe it is important to wield and receive music with some care.

TF: Yes absolutely, the world needs music in many ways…without music I think the world would be crazier than it already is.

CV: What's next? What can fans expect to see coming from the band post 2021?
PN: Creation and performance. We will write new songs and build our band, and hopefully find delight with that. And under the darkness of the pandemic we will dwell and grow, so when it is over, we will be ready for wherever the world wants from us.

TF: What you can expect is more music from us. A new single and EP, then we all meet on social media live and in other ways. See us grow together with you.

CV: Thank you again Pontus and Thomas for spending some time talking and sharing with our readers. I wish you all the best and continued success.


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The Cosmick Voice
Music, Talk & Nothing But Business

My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

Pamela Aloia: Author, Energy Healer, Teacher
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The Cosmick Voice
Music, Talk & Nothing But Business

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