Interview with Jeff Losawyer of Voodoo moonshine

By Mick Michaels

Cosmick View: Hello, Jeff! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thanks for taking some time out of your day to speak with us. It's greatly appreciated. 

CV: For an artist to truly be successful, do you feel passion is a more important ingredient to have than talent alone or does a combination of the two actually lend itself to real success for an artist?

Jeff Losawyer: I think obviously passion will push you to get better, to learn you your craft…and for your talent to grow. I don’t think that talent alone is the key to success, because there are a lot of artists who I feel don’t have talent but who have had a lot of money and support behind them to help them be successful.

CV: 2023 will mark 20 years for Voodoo Moonshine. What does such a milestone feel like? 

JL: The band has not been together 20 years. I formed the band 20 years ago. In 2008 or 2009, I took a break for two years, within that two-year period everyone from the band went onto other things. This version is the final version of Voodoo Moonshine, and has been together about four years. I think it is a milestone that I started this 20 years ago and we’re having greater success now than then. That’s a plus for me!

CV: From your perspective what does being a band look like given all the changes that the music industry has gone through over the last 20 years?

JL: I have been doing it for 20 years. The changes in the music industry have gotten really lopsided. I think it used to be the music business, but now it’s the business of music. Everyone else seems to make money off the band, and the band is the last to get anything out of it. So, the only thing we do have, if we gain it at all, would be somewhat “Fame,” which really doesn’t pay a whole lot.

CV: What do you see the future holding for Voodoo Moonshine moving forward? Are there still things you want to do; new bridges to cross?

JL: We were busy for the first 5 years, until about 2008, when I took a two-year break. Then I started writing for this album “Bottom of the Barrel” and then shelved it and took another ten-year break. This band has been together for about four years. As far as what the future is for us, everything’s new. Everything we or I have hoped for is the road we’re on now. So, at a late time now in our career, we’re starting over, and things seem to be going really well. We want to cross every bridge that’s possible that would be beneficial.

CV: Does being in a band this long hold any regrets for you or make you long for other projects? Or does such an endeavor further strengthen your resolve to make what you are doing the best it can be?

JL: I have zero regrets starting this band. I can’t go back and change anything. My taking time off and putting it to a halt was necessary and needed. It didn’t bother me a bit. I think that happened for a reason and it laid things out for the way they are now. As for any other projects, I never ever wanted to do anything other than this band. I did write some solo stuff and I’d probably do that again. I don’t create songs for myself to be put out as a solo project. Everything I do is for Voodoo Moonshine and always has been. That’s what I’ll retire as! Any strength’s that I’ve gained through this journey; I think that it strengthens everything that is going on with this band right now.

CV: Do you feel that in this day and age, an artist can freely cross genre lines without the fear of being labeled a "sell out" or "bandwagon jumper" in your opinion?

JL: At this day and age or any day and age, me as an artist and us as Voodoo Moonshine, if we cross genre’s that would be great. If we write a song that is country, heavy, heavy, regular rock, jazzy, bluesy, whatever, we’re really not concerned and don’t care in the least if we are labeled a sellout or a bandwagon jumper because we’re not doing it for those reasons. We’re doing it simply because we want the luxury and the ability to write what we want, when we want, and how we want, and that’s how it will always be. 

CV: If you could make one change to the current music industry, what would that be and why? How do you see that change greatly impacting artists as a whole?

JL: I would think if I were to change anything, I would take away the fact that everybody else is making money off of our creations and our hard work…people who are involved with bands and get paid, if we don’t pay them, we don’t get anything. We can do a lot of the leg work on our own, but this industry is controlled by the dollar sign $$$. You have streaming services that are making tons of money off of us and we see nothing. I would change that! We are the reason that these people have jobs, eat good meals at night, and go out and do well for themselves off of us, and we have to bitch and complain to get royalty payments. That is what I would change immediately! I think that would greatly impact the artist and get us what we deserve.

CV: What can fans expect to see coming from Voodoo Moonshine in the near future?

JL: We will continue to write, record, put out videos, and play shows. The business – we have a schedule of things and how we do it, but those are the things that won’t change. We have people who are supposed to be setting up shows for us, we’re waiting to see what comes of that. We’ve got about 5 shows that are already scheduled. We’re looking forward to playing them.

CV: Thanks again Jeff for taking the time to share with our readers. We wish you all the best and continued success.

JL: Thank you, Cosmick View, for having me do this interview. I appreciate every bit of press we can get and interest that we have.

Check out Voodoo Moonshine at:








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The Cosmick Voice
Music, Talk & Nothing But Business

My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

Pamela Aloia: Author, Energy Healer, Teacher
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The Cosmick Voice
Music, Talk & Nothing But Business

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