Interview with Guitarist and Vocalist Tom Collier of Held Hostage

By Mick Michaels

COSMICK VIEW: Hello, Tom! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to chat with me, it's greatly appreciated.

Tom Collier: Thank you Cosmick View.

CV: Given so many major changes over the last decade, do you believe the music industry is a practicable and stable enough environment for new artists to even consider making it a valid career choice? Can a level of sustainable success really be achieved in your opinion?
TC: I do believe a new artist can make a valid career in the music industry. Yes the industry has changed so much but you need adapt and navigate your way through it. Through hard work and dedication you can achieve a sustainable level of success. The key is you must have great songs. A great song trumps everything.

CV: What do you see as the biggest change in the music industry since you first started out?
TC: When Held Hostage first started, first and foremost it was all about record sales, then touring to support your record. Now it is all about streaming platforms, online social media sites, and building online presence…older bands that have been around long time, like Held Hostage. We are just getting caught up with the world of online promotions. Younger bands have the advantage because they grew up in this time, of online and social media promotions. It is basically all they know.

CV: How do you see your music separating itself from your peers and avoiding just being another cog in the wheel?
TC: Held Hostage has its own unique sound. The combination of special guest vocalist Tim “Ripper” Owens, myself, Scott Gregg (rhythm guitar, backup vocals), Jeff Murray (drums) and Dave Carroll (bass guitar, backup vocals). The way we record our records is kind of new, but old way. I consider it very innovative. We recorded live the whole record to capture the energy and excitement of the band.  I made the decision to produce the records myself so not to change the sound of the band. That seems to be our recipe for success. When you hear one of our songs you know right away it is Held Hostage.

CV: Has the industry’s many changes affected how you write music?
TC: Has it influenced your songwriting style in any drastic form? Those are great questions. I would have to say “no” it has not affected the way we write our music or influenced our song writing in any way. If anything it has made us realize, that in order to stand the test of time. You have to stay true to yourself and your music. We have been rocking for over three decades at a high level. The music over time has evolved naturally, and I believe that to be true, with any band that has been successful, and sustainable, in the music industry.

CV: Has digital technology led the way for almost anyone to be a musical artist in your opinion?
TC: I would have to say yes. It does allow artists that would not get signed…a chance to have their music heard on those digital platforms. There are some artists (IMHO) that should not be on the platforms. I have always been one, who thinks completion is a good thing. It does however create a glut of music that peels away at many artists like Held Hostage that has worked very hard and are signed by record labels. Many of the artists on record labels are in the same boat as us.  You have to work harder and smarter, to accomplish the results you are looking for.

CV: Has music in general been broken into too many sub-genres? Why do think there are so many classifications of music types? Can this be confusing for an artist who is looking to build a brand? As well, can it be confusing for the fans?
TC: Yes, I do believe that music has been broken into too many genres. I think…I could be wrong, the reason for so many categories is because many bands do not want to compete with the bands that are making it or have made it. It is easier to create a new category then to stand against current bands and hope for recognition. Yes, it is confusing for fans looking for new bands and even looking for established bands like Held Hostage. At some point we just have to say enough is enough. We consider ourselves a great “ROCK” band. No other label is needed. Too many people/bands try to pigeon hole themselves into some category. How about we stick with just a few categories like the old days…Rock, Country, R&B. Those three categories can cover every genre out there.

CV: How would you define “iconic” when it comes to being an artist or musician? What do you think makes an artist iconic?
TC: I think the word “iconic” gets thrown around, way too much. What I consider iconic, are people, who have changed or influenced the music world in many different ways. Whether it is through, incredible riffs, powerful lyrics, great melodies or just the way they treat, and make people feel. To me, that is what a music icon does, and the word iconic means to me.

CV: Who would you consider to be a modern day “rock star?” And is being a “rock star” something to aspire to?
TC: That is a tough questions only because there are what I consider many modern rock stars. If we are talking living rock stars. The most obvious that comes to my mind is Tim Ripper Owens not because they made the movie “rock star” based on his life or the fact I have worked with him. Tim is probably one of the hardest working guys out there in the music business along with Ross (Friedman) the Boss. To me, a Rock Star is someone who doesn’t lose themselves in fame. Is down to earth and can adapt to the changing world of music. I do not strive to be a rock star. I do however strive to help people and make the best music I can.

CV: Does music need to have a message to convey to the world for it to be worth listening to in your opinion?

TC: I think that all music has a message in it whether it is cryptic, obvious, or hidden somewhere in the music or lyrics. Even silly songs have a message in it…like let’s have fun. All of the Held Hostage songs have some true to life meaning or message in them.

CV: What's next for you? What can fans expect to see coming?
TC: In 2022 fans can expect to see Held Hostage come flying out of the gate. With our new record “Great American Rock” to be released in 2022. We brought back our great friend Tim Ripper Owens who is singing 10 or 12 songs. With this album we decided to go back to roots of American rock and roll. Who better to sing it then, one of America’s (our good friend) greatest rock singers ever “The Ripper”. This is such a diverse album. Features everything from straight ahead rock n roll to some rock power ballads. We have the first ever Held Hostage instrumental “unedited” recorded live (one take) in the studio called “Chaos”. Also, we have an acoustic version of our hit song “Show Me The Way Back Home” that has special guest vocalist Joe Lynn Turner and Mike Lepond (Symphony X, Ross The Boss) on bass.

Held Hostage has always been a band that prides itself on helping people and doing the right things in life. In this record you will see a side of Ripper Owens the world has never seen. He is one of the most melodic singers out there and he doesn’t get the credit for it. We take on the subject of “suicide” in our rock ballad called “Rise”. If this song helps one person realize suicide is not the answer and reach out for help. Knowing there life is worth living. Then in our eyes, this album to us, will be a multi-platinum success. We have lost a few former players to suicide. Just a quick story, I wrote this song on a Friday evening and on Saturday morning I get a call from a woman named Joanne Longley and asked me if Held Hostage would be interested in headlining the first annual Suicide Prevention and Awareness concert. I was speechless because I had just wrote the song and no one knew about it.  Of course we headlined the outdoor concert and it was a big success and we will be there again in 2022.

CV: Thank you again Tom for spending some time talking and sharing with our readers. It was a pleasure. I wish you all the best and continued success.
TC: Thank you, for all you do, for the music business. Making sure bands like Held Hostage are heard. Is important to music industry as a whole…. I just want to shout out to the guys in the band. Scott Gregg, Jeff Murray, Dave Carroll and special thank you to Tim Ripper Owens for being special guest vocalist, Our road and production crew Ed and Mason Spears, Randy Neal, Dave Koegel, art director/brother Scott Braun and shout out to our good fiend and true American Hero (Veteran) Eric Haynes. Special thanks to all of our beloved families, fans, and friends.

Check out Held Hostage at:


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The Cosmick Voice
Music, Talk & Nothing But Business

My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

Pamela Aloia: Author, Energy Healer, Teacher
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The Cosmick Voice
Music, Talk & Nothing But Business

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