Interview the the Band Upper Lip (Gozo)

By Mick Michaels

COSMICK VIEW: Hello! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to chat with me, it's greatly appreciated.

CV: Given so many major changes over the last several decades, is the music industry a viable and stable enough environment for new artists and bands to even attempt to make a successful career in your opinion?
Upper Lip: Indeed there were radical changes in the music industry and now the shift towards digitilization makes this more evident. I believe that although we have more platforms and more outlets it seems that it’s harder to break, especially for new artists who need to start everything from scratch and to re-think their approach in order to possibly have a successful career. In my opinion the music industry appears to be more volatile as well. Thus, in a sense an artist needs to find ways to remain relevant, to interact in such a way in order to find new ways to be heard, to market itself succesfully and to generate enough revenue to continue to sustain and hone this craft we call music. 

CV: How do you see Upper Lip separating itself from just being another Heavy Metal act? 
Upper Lip: I’ve always referred to Upper Lip as a Hard Rock band with a tinge of metal. I believe that our music has the groove that makes it unique and that it differs from other acts. Our music is very much guitar oriented but it also gives space to anthem-like vocal lines. I find that its uniqueness lies also in the simplicity of the songs, which makes them appealing to everyone and effective in conveying emotions.

CV: Has the band's music and style of songwriting changed drastically since the group first formed in Gozo in 2013?
Upper Lip: I wouldn’t say drastically but it surely changed and it changed to the best. We evolved as musicians, matured and our approach is more focused. When we started we used to cover a ton of old classic Rock hits. It surely made us appreciate the music we love. However, an artist is defined by his own music. As a band, the ability to make our own record/songs made us appreciate who we are more. Hence, yes from the band’s inception in 2013 there was a change and I believe it was very positive.

CV: What do you see as the biggest change in the music industry since Upper Lip first formed?
Upper Lip: I would say music streaming and consequently music appreciation. I don’t mean that music cannot be appreciated digitally but I believe that nothing beats having a record in your hand, flipping through the artwork whilst hearing the tracks. In a way it something personal, it’s like being let into the inner sanctum of the artist or band who has produced that song or record which you really like. Thus, it’s unfortunate and unfair that musicians who spend hours, days and years get paid in cents. Somehow, I feel that the music industry nowadays can do more to help the artists develop and feel appreciated.

CV: Upper Lip has recently signed with the German-based label Pride and Joy Music.  Tell us a little about the signing, how it came about and what the band’s plans are now that it has the support of a record label.
Upper Lip: We received a message from our management telling us that something really great was about to happen. After a day or so, told us that the German label ‘Pride and Joy Music’ loved our record and was ready to help us in releasing this record. Undoubtedly, we were ecstatic. A band from a tiny island called Gozo…sister Island to Malta, Europe, was about to be signed. As soon as we got the news we kept on working in finalizing the artwork and now we’re really looking forward for our debut album release in May. We’re also hoping that when this pandemic comes to an end we can even perform outside our shores. Promoters please take notice!

CV: When can fans expect to see the first album?
Upper Lip: The album is currently on pre-order on our website. However, the actual release day is May 21st of this year. We’re so excited for this release. It has been the culmination of three years of hard work and we hope that our followers do like the music that we’re about to release.

CV: Has Heavy Metal or even music in general, splintered into too many sub-genres? Why do think there are so many classifications of music types? Can this be confusing for the fans?
Upper Lip: True, there are so many genres that it might be confusing for the fans and also for the people who have a keen interest in music. Most probably, this kind of classification arose from the need to be different to stand out and thus, a kind of stylistic label was also deemed necessary.  Personally, I don’t feel there is the need of so many sub-genres. When I listen to a brand new track or album, I don’t say oh I’m listening to some Power Metal or this or that. Music should be about enjoyment rather than particular labels.

CV: How would you define “iconic?” What do you think makes an artist iconic?
Upper Lip: Well for me an icon is a person whose music stands out, it is the artist who you aspire to be like, the artist who motivates you to listen to the whole discography, to read every little thing you can find on him/her. An icon doesn’t need to be someone who everyone knows. I mean we all have those kind of icons. Mine are Rory Gallagher, Jimmy Page and Angus Young, but there are also other people who might have left an impact on you. People whom they never really got the recognition they deserve but in your eyes they’re legends and relevant as any other artist.

CV: Should young artist even strive to become a “rock star” Is being a "rockstar" even a relevant term nowadays? What are your thoughts?
Upper Lip: When I hear the term “rock star” I always remember the immortal words of AC/DC’s song, “It’s a long way to the top if you wanna Rock n’ Roll.” Pretty much it sums it up. I believe that young artists, rather than aspiring to be “rock stars,” should aspire to create music, to channel their inner emotions in creating something that other people can relate to and then if they get a big break so be it! I believe that becoming a “rock star” is something secondary or even tertiary, it shouldn’t be a priority.

CV: What message do you want your music to convey to the world?
Upper Lip: Well Upper Lip’s music is mostly about hope. Sometimes, we find ourselves in difficult situations, sometimes everything looks bleak and dark and yet when we least expect it, we see something glittering, a tiny amber of light that gives us hope and rekindles in us a sense of belonging and love. I would be happy if the people who listen to our music get inspired, get positive and possibly let go of the things that make them lose tract of life…of living. 

CV: What's next for you? What can fans expect to see coming from Upper Lip?
Upper Lip: After this release we’re hoping to promote this album as much as possible and be ambassadors of the music we like all over the globe. We’ve also already started writing new material and we’re eager to get back to recording and keep on releasing new music. I’m sure that our fans wouldn’t say no to this. Hopefully, we’ll be seeing you on the road!

CV: Thank you again for spending some time talking and sharing with our readers. It was a pleasure. I wish you all the best and continued success.

Check out Upper Lip at:




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The Cosmick Voice
Music, Talk & Nothing But Business

My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

Pamela Aloia: Author, Energy Healer, Teacher
Spiritual Counseling and Sessions Available

The Cosmick Voice
Music, Talk & Nothing But Business

March Baby Media
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