Interview with the Members of Nehoda

By Mick Michaels

COSMICK VIEW: Hello Patrick, Grayson & Jeremy! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to chat with me, it's greatly appreciated.

Nehoda: Thank you Mick for having us.

CV: What do you believe is the soul of a song? Is it one instrument over another or is it something more than that?
Nehoda: We believe the soul of a song is much like the soul of a person...and because of that, it is tough to explain in words.  It can be an emotion felt through the lyrics, riff, progression, rhythm, bass line, vibe, or everything combined.  It varies from track to track and varies from person to person.  What might be the soul of a song to me might just be another riff to you.

CV: Does storytelling in music give a song more depth in comparison to songs written in a looser, lyrical way?
Nehoda: We do not think it is that cut and dry.  There are songs exuding extreme depth that mean nothing lyrically, other seep songs that were written in a very abstract manner.  There are songs sung with only syllables like the entirety of the Sigur Ros album, where not a single word was sung, but yet the album is extremely deep.  It is also a very personal experience as it creates ideas in your mind based on sounds as opposed to a message. There are a lot of Post Rock bands out there who write deep songs without a single lyric.  Patrick tends to write stories, at least up to this point.  But that doesn't mean he always will. 

CV: Are there any differences on how songs are approached and written based on specific genres or is a good song a good song regardless of genre, which means it contains all the needed elements to make an audience take notice and listen?
Nehoda: We don’t really approach songs in that manner.  We tend to let them form, share them amongst the band, play them until they feel right, and then play them live until they become second nature.  If people do not pay attention or we start to see folks lose interest, we either reshape or move on from the song.  Whatever is done, we feel it needs to be honest and genuine.  Just like can tell when something is full of shit.

CV: What qualities do you strongly feel a song should possess to allow it to stand out and be noticed?
Nehoda: A song needs to connect with me (Patrick) in a way that is hard to describe.  It needs to feel like it is being played or sung for me.  When that happens it becomes part of my soul and psyche.  Most recently this happened with the track “Second Best” by Pedro The Lion.  This song is heavy, harmonic, simple, digestible, honest, and felt personal.  I think a song needs to be genuine in order to resonate with people. 

CV: Nehoda's sound is an eclectic one, mixing a variety of genres in a way that offers the listening audience a unique experience.  How did the band come to embrace such a multi-faceted writing style?
Nehoda: Some of our biggest influences do just that.  Like Neil Young, Radiohead, Nirvana, Pedro The Lion, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and Bob Dylan.  We would get bored if we stayed in a certain vein for too long.  As songwriters it was important to us to avoid writing the same song 9 times.  In fact we went out of our way to make sure that was not the case.  We as well as others have struggled with giving this a genre as to us it is Rock and Roll.  It is music.  But I guess you could call it Indie-Grunge-Folk Rock- Americana.  I mean is that so eclectic?  

CV: The band's new release is "But Anyways." The album delivers a backdrop for a variety of moods and occasions. Is there any concern that too much diversity could ultimately alienate pockets of potential fans down the line?
Nehoda: None.  

CV: What are you hoping fans come away with after hearing "But Anyways?"
Nehoda: We hope fans enjoyed taking the journey with us through these songs.  We hope we connected in some way and that we provided as close to a live experience as you can have these days for those that truly listened.  We hope that you follow along and we look forward to sharing more music with you in the future.

CV: Where do you see the music industry heading overall as we begin to move into the “new norm” of a post-COVID society? Will a certain amount of restrictions remain enforced in your opinion?

Nehoda: Who knows.  We hope it will go back to normal, but it probably won’t.  Only new…never what we called normal before.  Think about how different it will be.  Not sharing a smoke outside before a set, or a quick sip of a drink, or packing in a club or basement, or hugging your sweaty friends after they finish their set.  It is all new territory from here out, but we look forward to seeing what that entails. 

CV: What's coming next for Nehoda following the album’s release?" What can fans expect to see coming in the final months of 2020 and beyond?
Nehoda: Currently we are working out details for a music video and hopefully that will be out before the new year.  If not, it will be out early 2021.  We are also working on new material for a follow up to But Anyways…but who knows when that will be ready.  It could be an EP, a couple singles, another LP, who knows.  But there will definitely be more music and art coming in 2021.

CV: Thank you again guys for spending some time talking and sharing with
our readers. I wish you all the best and continued success.

Nehoda: Thank you again Mick for having us. We hope you enjoy the music. Feel free to stream it all you want for free on Soundcloud and Bandcamp. The album is currently available on vinyl and it sounds spectacular. Thank you Michael Esser and Gottagroove Records for making sure of that. Thank you again for having us!

Check out Nehoda at:



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My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

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