Interview with Bassist and Composer Laurent David of Kilter
By Mick Michaels
COSMICK VIEW: Hello, Laurent! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to chat with me, it's greatly appreciated.
Laurent David: You’re welcome…with pleasure.
CV: Are there any concerns about traveling overseas and touring while so many fears, roadblocks and restrictions are still in play for bands worldwide?
LD: Yes, we have to face to many issues…about how to manage a tour and to finance it…we are aware that everything can be canceled at the last moment.
Actually, it’s impossible for Ed (Rosenberg
III) and Kenny (Grohowski)to travel to Europe. Andromeda (Anarchia) and I are
already in Europe and we, the band, made the decision to keep the tour and to
hire some subsides…Maxime (Zampieri) on drums and Thomas (Puybasset)on bass sax.
CV: What precautions has Kilter taken in preparation for this
upcoming tour?
LD: The legal ones! We try to adapt our
tour to the rules, which change depending on the countries we are in.
CV: By touring at this time, is there a message you hope to spread, not only to your audience, but to the music industry itself…like “musicians won't go down without a fight?”
CV: By touring at this time, is there a message you hope to spread, not only to your audience, but to the music industry itself…like “musicians won't go down without a fight?”

CV: Do you feel the music industry as a whole will change its approach to making and performing music following the pandemic and global restriction lifts? Are changes in order for the music world to survive regardless post COVID?
LD: I hope I’ll be able to answer this
question soon. For now, though, everything is too unbalanced!
CV: How would you describe Kilter's avant-garde Metal sound and style to someone who has never heard the band's music? What three words would you would use in that description?
CV: How would you describe Kilter's avant-garde Metal sound and style to someone who has never heard the band's music? What three words would you would use in that description?
LD: What we do with Kilter is to use
all aspects of our influences to express something intense. Jazz and Metal are
very interesting to mix together, and New York fits very well to it!
Three words to describe Kilter’s sound? Powerful, Free, Provocative.
Kilter's album, "Axiom," will be getting a vinyl
release while the band's on tour in early October. Will there be records on
hand and available at the merch table while in Europe?
LD: Yes definitely! We are very proud to have this album produced on vinyl…the artwork by Peurduloup is amazing and it’s worth the effort to have this album’s music released in a big way!
CV: Do you feel vinyl has made a comeback in modern times that would rival its heyday or do see its presence moreso as a novelty piece of merchandise made available for the diehards and those with a collector mentality?
LD: I think both. What I have noticed is that it seems to be important for people who like to see a cover when they listen to music…I’m one of those individuals, and it also seems important to people who like the shows. They want t take something home with them to remember.
CV: Does Kilter's diverse approach offer you the chance to spread your musical wings and experiment with new ideas without worrying about getting boxed into a certain style or genre?
LD: I never thought about this, but I think yes…everything is about expressing what is in our head, and I think the audience will be surprised with the next one! I don’t worry much about style or genre… I let people decide what style of music it is.
CV: Does self expression through the band's music offer you a unique way of communication, where words alone just wouldn't do? It's said that actions speak louder than words but does music trump both of them in your opinion?
LD: I have a very simple answer to this: we are just unable to use words, so we use sounds! That’s how we express ourselves.
CV: What's next following the tour and vinyl release? What can fans expect to see coming from Kilter in the remainder of 2020?
LD: Before the shutdown, we were working on a number of scheduled dates for touring in 2020. Unfortunately, we have now postponed all this until 2021 or later… At the moment, we are actually recording something special in an unusual format. It should be out at the beginning of 2022.
CV: Thank you again Laurent for spending some time talking and sharing with
our readers. I wish you all the best and continued success.
LD: Thank to you!
LD: Yes definitely! We are very proud to have this album produced on vinyl…the artwork by Peurduloup is amazing and it’s worth the effort to have this album’s music released in a big way!
CV: Do you feel vinyl has made a comeback in modern times that would rival its heyday or do see its presence moreso as a novelty piece of merchandise made available for the diehards and those with a collector mentality?
LD: I think both. What I have noticed is that it seems to be important for people who like to see a cover when they listen to music…I’m one of those individuals, and it also seems important to people who like the shows. They want t take something home with them to remember.
CV: Does Kilter's diverse approach offer you the chance to spread your musical wings and experiment with new ideas without worrying about getting boxed into a certain style or genre?
LD: I never thought about this, but I think yes…everything is about expressing what is in our head, and I think the audience will be surprised with the next one! I don’t worry much about style or genre… I let people decide what style of music it is.
CV: Does self expression through the band's music offer you a unique way of communication, where words alone just wouldn't do? It's said that actions speak louder than words but does music trump both of them in your opinion?
LD: I have a very simple answer to this: we are just unable to use words, so we use sounds! That’s how we express ourselves.
CV: What's next following the tour and vinyl release? What can fans expect to see coming from Kilter in the remainder of 2020?
LD: Before the shutdown, we were working on a number of scheduled dates for touring in 2020. Unfortunately, we have now postponed all this until 2021 or later… At the moment, we are actually recording something special in an unusual format. It should be out at the beginning of 2022.
CV: Thank you again Laurent for spending some time talking and sharing with
our readers. I wish you all the best and continued success.
LD: Thank to you!
Check out Kilter at:
Label Alter-nativ:
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My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word. Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.
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