Interview with the Members of Crown of Earth

By Mick Michaels

COSMICK VIEW: Hello fellas! Welcome to the Cosmick View. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to chat with me, it is greatly appreciated.

CV: What drives you to continue to create?
Danny - I’m perpetually and naturally driven by my desire to create music. It's probably the only thing that keeps me together (I should say, mentally together), I need it to function on a day to day basis. Being in Crown of Earth and the potential we have to make great metal music is motivating to me.

- My passion and love for playing music that makes people say Yeah!!! I love that tune!!

- I want other people who love metal to hear it and appreciate or like it. I also just love to make metal music.

- My Car.

CV:  Was music your first love?
Danny - I always think of music as my “first love”. By the way, that’s a loaded question and must be a popular one that gets a lot of people in trouble with their partner?

- Yes I found it when I was 6 yrs and first heard KISS that’s the moment I knew what I wanted to do in my life is play music!

- No. But it's the only love I'll never lose.

- Art AND music were my first love.

CV:  Would you say music has made you the person you are today?
Danny - I would say music definitely shaped my life into the mess of a person that I’ve become, LOL. It took a hold of me and never let go! But, I’m not complaining, I love it.

- Absolutely defines my character yes. It’s the reason for the way I dress look express myself creatively to the world!

- Sure. I'd say it has a significant influence on who I've become. Especially in the last 10 years.

- Definitely yes! Music is what drives me…..along with my car.

CV:  Could you see yourself doing something completely different other than music? If so, what would that be?
Danny - Honestly, I’m a tech “gear head”. I could see myself locked up in a room somewhere, surrounded by the latest technical gadgets with a hammer and screwdriver trying to figure out how they work.

- I do because I am a professional digital artist for my small business Capt’ Frogger MarkyZ Multi-Media Productions which along with my very talented partner Charles AKA Capt’ Frogger we design and create custom artwork.

- If anything... making video games or engineering.

- No.

CV:  Which artist has inspired you the most?
Danny - Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Ted Nugent, Boston, Queen, Journey, Iron Maiden, Manowar, Queensryche, Fates Warning, and Crown of Earth... In that order.

MarkyZ - That would be KISS as I mentioned when I heard them @ 6yrs and influenced me to be the musician I am today which I got the chance to tell and thank a member Paul Stanley himself in person and he was speechless!

- Hmmmm..... that's tough. I suppose right now I'll go with, The Black Dahlia Murder. They're a perfect example of an amazing heavy band.

- Rush and Yngwie Malmsteen.

CV:  Non artist…who has been your biggest influence?
Danny - That’s hard to say because I’ve never really looked outside of my musical influences for inspiration. I’d have to say I’ve been lucky and I have to thank my father who never kicked me out of the house for pursuing music as a passion and career. He was also a musician and I may have been subconsciously influenced by him? Not sure how to answer this. Hopefully, that will suffice.

- If it’s a member of band musician it would be Geezer Butler Bassist for Black Sabbath.

Vinny - I dunno. I've never cared enough about someone else's accomplishments to want to emulate or aspire by what they've done.

- My mom.

CV:  Was/Is your family supportive with your musical pursuits?
Danny - Please refer to question 6. Hahaha ……. Really, I would say my Father supported me with everything. Also, my Brother, he supported what I did early on with my bands such as Medieval Metal, as a tag-along kinda help. He did what he could to help us. Those were some fun days.

- Yes RIP mom she supported wholeheartedly in my pursuit in my long career in music!

- Yes and no. But mostly they could care less.... I'm ok with it. I don't need anyone's support but the people who actually care about what I'm doing musically.

- My family is very supportive.

CV: What do you find inspires your music the most as a songwriter?
Danny - Reality. Reality is what I’m concerned with when writing and sometimes tossing in a little fictional information kinda spices things up a bit…but mainly reality.

- All the Artist and there are too many to mention that I grew up and followed and listened to and read their lyrics not just listen to the music! Also just different life experiences are always a huge one for me!

- The music that's already out there. I take it in, mix it all around and create something original with it.

- I like classical music and Progressive Rock a lot. Billy Joel and Elton John really inspire me as songwriters.

CV: What's your go to album for motivation? Why that album?
Danny - I don’t have any one particular album for motivation. It’s all stored in my head. It depends on my mood. Actually, I write lyrics. Generally, the musical composition that is presented to me sets “a mood” and from there, I get inspired to follow the mood of the music. I don’t like to refer to other music as a template because I want to try and be as “original” as possible, which can be difficult.

- There really isn’t any too many to name I like and listen too but if I had to pick my all-time favorite Album Heaven and Hell Black Sabbath!

- Right now? Beyond Creation…any song…any album.

- I don’t know if I really have a “goto album” because there’s so much music out there that I love. I’d be lying if I told you I had a goto album.

CV:  Some of your favorite artists... past and present, who are they?
Danny - Please refer to question 5. Hahaha… Nevermind, I’ll do it for you….. Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Ted Nugent, Boston, Queen, Journey, Iron Maiden, Manowar, Queensryche, Fates Warning, and Crown of Earth…in that order.

- KISS, Black Sabbath, OZZY, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Megadeth, Metallica, Judas Priest, System of the Down, Disturbed, OZZY, Rage Against the Machine Alice in Chains Van Halen too many to list!!
Vinny - Nile. The Black Dahlia Murder. Killswitch Engage. Arsis. Wretched. Psycroptic. Mega Deth. Iced Earth. Carcass. Slayer. Amon amarth. Beyond Creation. Fallujah. All Shall Perish. Blotted Science. Boltthrower. Death. Iced Earth. Ummmm one more... Vehemence.

Chris - Yngwie Malmsteen, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Return to Forever, Camelot, Adagio, Rush, Frank Marino, Alex Lifeson, Eddie Van Halen, Uli Roth, Allan Holdsworth and that’s only to name a few.

CV:  The one album you feel every Metalhead should own and why?
Danny - First thing that comes to mind is Iron Maiden - “The Number of the Beast”. It’s just full of greatness on all levels. However, Maiden’s “Piece of Mind” is great too and I’m torn between them. Oh yeah…. Crown of Earth’s self titled debut album is great! Everyone should own a copy of it too.

- Heaven and Hell from Black Sabbath it is one of the best Heavy Metal Albums ever written with clean tone tight crunch to Iommi’s brilliant guitar work Geezers driving clean bass tone just love everything about it since I owned the 8 track of it when I was a teen just all out Metal Classic for sure!!

- I dunno. Something cliche... like, Pantera’s Cowboys from Hell. LOL

- (Laughs) If you’re a Metalhead only, I would have to say what comes to mind is Screaming for Vengeance by Judas Priest.

CV:  What do you consider is a defining moment in Heavy Metal history and why is it significant… how did it impact the genre?
Danny - Based off of my lifetime experiences and the time I grew up in Metal, I saw a shift that really upset me but I finally come to grips with, would be when the metal music I loved converted into the Grunge Scene. That sorta pissed me off. As a matter of fact, I experienced an earlier shift if styles that no one talks about and that's when the Guns ‘N’ Roses type of bands that preceded grunge, began to invade my influences. I have no room to knock any of that music, but it still pisses me off. Not sure if anyone likes to change by force, but I’m just not a follower.

MarkyZ - I think when I first heard Randy Rhoads when OZZY went solo definitely defined heavy metal because NO ONE had his tone it was brand new to everyone’ ears I instantly love it!!

- When Cliff Burton died. It changed what Metallica would sound like after and justice for all. Was it good…bad? I think it's bad. But that's a matter of opinion.

- When Nirvana came out. They told all us “Metalheads” to “eat a dick!”

CV:  Who would you like to work with if given the opportunity?
Danny - Lately, I’ve been interested in finding out how the greats like the guys in “The Rat Pack” and male artists from that era have recorded their voice. It has a rich and warm tone and I eventually I want to reproduce that sound for personal projects. So, I would like to work with their engineers and producers from that time to try and capture that sound. That’s obviously not going to happen, so I have the next best thing and that is Crown of Earth’s current producer, Richard Gavalis at Domesound Studio in Royersford, PA. He records our music and does a fine job. He’ll help me reproduce that sound I’m after when the time comes because he knows everything. He’s a mad genius.

- I would love to work with Black Sabbath or Judas Priest Crown of Earth would be a great fit for a tour because of similar musical styles with a modern metal edge!

- I'd like to work with Eric rutan. He's an incredible musician and producer who has recorded some of my favorites in the metal world.

- If I had an opportunity to work with someone it’d probably be someone like Geoff Tate, Geddy Lee, Neil Peart, Alex Lifeson and Jaco Pastorius.

CV: What do you feel are the top three things it takes to make it in the music business as an artist?
Danny - 1. Talent of course, 2. Persistence, and, 3. Persistence.

- Passion! Versatility! And believe in one self and the fans will follow right along that I feel is the three major things because without them your music is nothing!

- Something people will buy. Money. And good networking/management.

- Endurance, perseverance, and passion.

CV: There has been a lot of remarks among established rockers these days regarding young, up and coming bands, that they don't stand a chance at making a career with music into today's industry... what do you think?
Danny - I’m torn on that question. In some ways I feel that today’s musicians have it harder because of the Internet and on the other hand, the Internet can make them a star overnight. It’s a bit contradictory to the old days when musicians had to do a lot of leg work to become successful, ie: tour their ass’s off. The bottom line is that it always takes a lot of hard work and persistence to become successful, period.

- Because of the 3 things that I just mentioned most of them all lack all of those things or some of those things because without ALL 3 passion, versatility, and belief in self it’s not going to drive the it happen because that is the true formula of success and never give up!

- I think that they're wrong. And they should step aside and let the young and new bands have a chance. If these guys can sell a ticket at a stadium for 150-300 bucks, then I think that there are plenty of talented bands who have what it takes. The industry is definitely over saturated. That is a problem but there are tools to help put your name out there. We have to utilize them.

- I think the Internet has changed the whole ball game in the music industry. It isn’t like it was when I grew up. You have to find new ways to market your music and fight piracy so you have a chance to make any kind of money. It is hard for young musicians to make it these days.

CV:  As an artist, what do you feel are your strengths?
Danny - I don’t like to brag. Next question, please?

- I have throughout the years now become a pretty good song arranger as well as a writer of lyrics coming up with catchy riffs on both guitar and bass , when I pick something to write for lyrics for the band I will research it and then incorporate what I found into the lyrics creatively in my own words so they flow with the music.

- My strengths.... keeping a clear head. Knowing how to enjoy music. 
Not stressing about small stuff and being adaptable to the situation. Playing wise? I have a ton of endurance. I can usually outplay anyone I jam with. Hahaha

- I like to create on the spot. I can create music at a drop of a hat. Give me 5 minutes and I’ll write an entire piece of music.

CV:  What do you think separates bands of today from bands of the past?
Danny - The Internet.

- Passion and Drive the bands back in the day had more creative passion because they didn’t have always click tracks and computers and digital software to help in aiding or being a crutch in the writing abilities because it wasn’t there at their disposal like today where just about anyone can make music with all this new technology and the musician if you want to call them that per say don’t need too much raw talent so to speak to create the music simple a that!

- Past bands had a blank slate to work with. Present bands have social networking and an endless number of potential influences. Music is so vast and endless now. Where as in the 50's, 60's, 70's and even the eighties the music world seemed so much smaller. Now I can listen to bands from anywhere in the world whenever. That's a huge deal.

- Back in past decades, bands have all had their unique sound. Each artist had their own individual take on music. I’m noticing some of the newer bands are starting to have a unique sound. But, for a while there, everything sorta sounded the same.

CV:  With so many iconic women eligible for induction into the Rock n Roll Hall of fame, such as Cher, Stevie Nicks and Carly Simon many among others, why do you think they are being overlooked?
Danny - Women in Rock are being overlooked by the Rock n Roll Hall of fame, for the same reason many men and many worthy bands are, because that establishment or the people who make the decisions there, in my opinion don’t have a clue about music, or they are driven solely by profit. It’s pretty much a joke to me.

- I honestly don’t know how to answer this question because people today want something repeated over and over like the Hip Hop Artists do so maybe they aren’t so repetitive in their writing and musical talent according the younger generation and what they want to hear and truthfully I don’t know enough about these artist to honestly answer this question sorry.

- I didn't know they were being overlooked. Perhaps they aren't? Maybe some of them aren't worthy of hall of fame status? It sounds like a matter of opinion. Or maybe the rock n roll hall of fame committee is sexist. LOL I dunno
Chris - I don’t think it’s only women who being overlooked, there are a lot of bands that are too. Carly Simon should definitely be in the hall of fame. Carole King should. Ann and Nancy Wilson should be, but I don’t really know who is and who isn’t because I don’t really follow The Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. I do agree with Danny that the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame is not a true representation of Rock ‘N’ Roll.

CV:  We hear so much negative commentary regarding today's overall music industry. What's your take on it? Is Rock really dead?

Danny - I’m not happy about the current state of Rock and Metal…. and America in general, but as long as there are guys out there like me and the men of Crown of Earth...which I know to be true, then our music lives on!

MarkyZ - No I don’t think so it still lives and breathes in the hearts of the true creative musicians which there are many undiscovered on this planet and we need to expose all of them and take back the music industry!

Vinny - Yes. Especially the rock that's very radio friendly. It's bland. Like a dollar store ice cream cone. There are still great bands being played in the radio though. Unfortunately it's a very biased opinion because being a metal head makes me think that "rock" or radio rock really isn't a true representation or real rock n roll.

- There will always be young Rock Fans, so Rock will never die.

CV:  What’s next for you?
MarkyZ - Touring the states possibly the world with a National known Artists with in the same genre as our band like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden for example and making the difference when the fans listen to what we are projecting through our music. Our fans they hear it! Take it in and never let it go! A secure feeling that there still is hope and chance of it coming alive again and only we the musicians can change this if we all pull together every time we perform on the live stage! Right now Crown of Earth has been blessed to have the opportunity to now be working with some legends in the music biz that have toured the world with Manowar, Black Sabbath, DIO, Deep Purple, Rainbow and more as this will soon be announced in 2018 which I believe is going to be a big year for us!

Vinny - Being a father. My baby boy was born in December. So that's my newest endeavor.

Chris - To push forward with Crown of Earth and write new music.

- Crown of Earth is currently working on a facility with our partner Ray Royce to create a kick-ass video production studio. That’s where we’ll be filming our performance style videos. So, our plan is to release a new video this spring (2018). We’re also in pre-production for a number of new songs for our next album. We are in communication with a few big-wigs from the industry which will help move us forward in 2018.
Crown of Earth Guitarist Michael Ellis wasn’t available to answer the questions so I can speak for him and he basically mimics our answers. Check out the next interview. I’m sure he’ll join us then. “Up the Crowns” - \m/ - - \m/ - Thank you!

CV: Thank you again guys for spending some time talking and sharing with our readers. I wish you all the best and continued success with all your projects.

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