The Ten Pounder Series: Interview with Devour Once Dead

By Mick Michaels
Originally published on The Grinder

Ten Pounder: Hello and welcome to The Ten Pounder! Thanks for taking some time to chat with us!

TP: Do you feel the band's music would have the same impact as it does now with fans if the makeup, costumes and theatrics were not present?
Devour Once Dead: Sometimes the makeup and costumes can be a pain in the ass but the fact that we do it now we can’t really go back.

TP: What lead the band to decide to include makeup as part of their stage persona? Was it more than just a way to stand out?
DOD: We were already trying something with doing a unique look with chef coats but it wasn’t coming off how we wanted it to so we decided to step it up a notch.

TP: How is Devour Once Dead different from other acts, such as Wednesday 13, Gwar, King Diamond and Rob Zombie, that used theatrics and makeup as part of their artist persona? Would the band's music have the same impact as it does now with fans if the makeup and theatrics were not present?
DOD: I think Devour could pull a stage presence off without any of the theatrics and makeup and it would still bring a great performance.

TP: Does being primarily a Horror Metal band limiting in any way with regards to songwriting and fan appeal?
DOD: I’d say yeah…we always wanted to not be black balled into a certain category but I think we ended up doing it to ourselves anyway.
TP: What are your thoughts on bands using pre recorded material and backing tracks? Does it diminish the band's abilities and mislead audience's expectations in any way as some critics have stated?
DOD: It depends…I love seeing bands in their raw forms, but I totally understand why bands do it. If you want to look professional and have your own lights and build a "show" then you almost need to do it.

TP: In your opinion, can a band have a sustainable career just following musical trends?
DOD: I think if you're just making music depending on what's popular at the time, then you're not really doing it for the love of music.

TP: With over 25,000 new songs releasing daily, does a band need a gimmick to get an audience’s attention and have their music heard?
DOD: It's kind of sad but true. There are so many bands out there now and with the attention span people have nowadays, you need something to catch their eye.

TP: Do you think bands today could survive without social media? Is it possible for a band to have an audience without Facebook? Is it really that valuable to success?
DOD: I don’t think so…that’s just the era we live in now. There are no more scouts out there looking for new talent. It's 100% up to you to push your band to get out there. Then if you're lucky enough to get enough views, shares, downloads etc…. Then maybe a record company will look at you.

TP: Does Devour Once Dead consider it a cutting-edge band...and if so, how would you compare that to other bands that have pushed the artistic envelope in sight and sound?
DOD: I would definitely say we try to be. But again, there is so much music out there I think it’s hard for anybody to be really cutting edge and something no one has heard before.

TP: What can fans expect to see from Devour Once Dead in 2020?
DOD: We are currently working on new material with our new guitarist John Ewing…so potentially a new album. We have been talking to some promoters to help with booking a tour this summer and we will be hosting the 3rd annual Midwest Metal Massacre in our home town of Sioux City IA. Last year went really good, we had Gabriel and the Apocalypse and Blue Felix headline, so hoping to keep it going and getting bigger each year.

TP: Thanks again for taking some time and talking. It is greatly appreciated.

Check out Devour Once Dead at:

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My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.



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