Interview with Freddy Ordine of Weapons of Anew
VIEW: Hello! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thank you for taking some
time out of your day to chat with me, it's greatly appreciated.
Freddy Ordine: Thanks for having me!
Freddy Ordine: Thanks for having me!
CV: As the band begins to move
forward to complete its next album in 2020, and on the heels of last December's
live Tour Special EP release, do you
find the fans respond more towards one kind of song than another? And if so,
does this type of audience response affect how you choose songs for the set
FO: For us, it’s all about hitting the crowd hard and trying to get the room moving with us. We’ve been doing this long enough to know what’s usually going to work and where…so we try to make the set as strong as possible from start to finish.
FO: For us, it’s all about hitting the crowd hard and trying to get the room moving with us. We’ve been doing this long enough to know what’s usually going to work and where…so we try to make the set as strong as possible from start to finish.
CV: For Weapons of Anew, is future songwriting influenced at all on some level by how an audience reacts at a show? Or are they entirely two separate beasts?
FO: I love playing live!! So when I write a new song it’s definitely in my head…how do I think this will go over live.
CV: With the growing trend of bands releasing full-blown, digitally enhanced, Hollywood movie-style produced albums, Weapons of Anew released a five song live EP last December, the Tour Special EP. Why the decision to go with a live EP in light of the current release trend?
FO: We are never the type to follow a trend. We have put a lot of hard work into making this band a machine live. We wanted people to experience it and get a taste of who we are live.
CV: Besides the obvious of being live, are the songs on the EP different than their studio renditions?
FO: “Moment”…I wanted to capture an acoustic version of it. While we were on the Scott Stapp tour we had the opportunity to do a few acoustic shows. Most of the songs really lent well to acoustic. ‘Moment’ was always a very close song to me and I wanted people to hear it in this light.

FO: I honestly only worry about what we do and I push everyone in the band super hard…for us to be the best us possible. We put a lot of emphasis on how this band has to be real in what we do. I honestly think that’s part of why we connect so well live. Its 100% real from each of us.
CV: Are more live releases a possible and viable avenue for bands to better connect with the fans? Would such releases represent a more genuine presentation of who the band really is in your opinion?
FO: I think for us it was a great way to show new fans what we do and who we are.
CV: If you had to choose your favorite song from the live EP, which would it be and why?
FO: I’m really digging the acoustic version of "Moment." I think it shows that this band is not a 1 trick pony.
CV: In your opinion, what makes a good band become great? Is there a step by step process, luck of the draw or does it really come down to fan perception that determines what is considered a great band?
FO: For me, it’s just believing in what we do, working super hard at it, and not settling for anything less then your best every time we do anything.
CV: Weapons of Anew's live show has been described as energetic and mesmerizing. Is such a live presentation a combination of band member passion and the music's “over-the-top” drive? Or do you see it as something completely different?
FO: Like I said, we all love doing this! We put every ounce of ourselves into our shows…its pure.
CV: Do you feel that same "lightning in a bottle" type of intensity the band has live is able to be captured in a studio setting as well and able to be transmitted in album form?
FO: That was a big emphasis for me when we chose Mike Feretti to produce the new record. He has seen us live many times and he completely gets it. So we worked really hard on this new record to make sure that our energy was captured on this one.
CV: Weapons of Anew will be performing in Las Vegas in late February. What can you tell us about the show and what can fans expect?
FO: It’s a pretty big deal for us, actually. The show we are doing is called ‘# happens’ and it is the premier active Rock radio showcase. It’s going to give us the ability to perform in front of a few hundred industry people that have a huge say on getting us on radio. So we are pretty excited to be a part of it!
CV: What's next for the band?
FO: Getting this new record out and building our brand and fan base by touring as much as we possibly can.
Thank you again for spending some time talking and sharing with our
readers. It was a pleasure. I wish you all the best and continued success.
FO: Thank you very much!!!!
FO: Thank you very much!!!!
out Weapons of Anew at:
My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word. Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure. |
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