Internet Radio: Today's Modern Music Platform part 1 - Interview with DJ Billy Loney of The Keep it Metal Show

by Mick Michaels

Internet Radio has made the seemingly impossible possible for all artists... establishing a platform that has no limits and where no one is denied access. But more so than it's ability to reach millions worldwide in a single click and its non-discriminate playlists, we find at the helm the DJs who fight the good fight to get the music heard. Most often with little to no show budget, it is a labor of love driven by passion for the music and a deep respect for the artist.
I spoke to three current Internet DJs, asking them each the same set of 10 questions.  One thing was evident; it's all about sharing the music.

Interview 1: DJ Billy Loney from The Keep it Metal Show

COSMICK VIEW: Hello Billy! Welcome to the Cosmick View. Thank you for taking part in my Internet DJ series and sharing your experiences with me, it is greatly appreciated.

How did you get started in internet radio?
BILLY LONEY: It started with a Myspace page back in the day that turned into Keep it Metal promotions.
I would help promote unsigned/indie bands. I would also direct bands to internet radio stations and one of those stations was Rock Addict Radio owned by Renee Boyer. She was rebooting the station and reached out to me, very persistently I might add and The Keep it Metal show was born with the condition that the show would only be unsigned/indie metal.

CV: Is it more than just spinning MP3s?
BL: Absolutely! I think it's so cool being able to spin a band from one part of the world to people from the other side that may not have heard the band otherwise. To be able to connect and share, I always say "putting the spotlight where it belongs, on the unsigned/indie scene."
I don't know of any internet DJs that make a living doing this, so it's definitely a labor of love.
I wear many hats during the show; host, director, sound engineer, researcher etc...a lot of work goes into each show and when people tune in and stay, that's the icing.

CV: What sets your show apart from other internet radio shows?
BL: I'm not sure it is any different. I do what feels right and try to have a good time with it. I have a format, but it's definitely not strict. Be ready to improvise and go with the flow.

CV: Biggest challenge being an interview radio host?
BL: Doing the show from my house… HAHAHA. My family has to put up with me bringing bands into the house. My daughter usually answers the door and brings them up to the studio. And there are always some interruptions, good ones sometimes… like bringing me dinner or one of the kids saying goodnight. I do dream of having an off sight studio one day… lol.

CV: Top 5 most outrageous interviews you have conducted?
BL: Corners of Sanctuary-We always get off the subject of music and the mayhem begins. It's great and I wouldn't have any other way!

Lords of the Trident-Fang did the interview in character, awesome!

ZP Theart-right after he left Dragonforce so he had a few things to say about that… lol.

Circle of Screams-They are a theater group I had over. Since they weren't a band I wasn't sure how it was going to go. But two of them were in character as the Joker and Harley was great!!!!

Phaliltosis/ESBBC interview-We had a very "mature" discussion about another local music award event lol.

CV: Most memorable guest?
BL: Wow there's so many....but the stories Mick Brown shared about his days with Dokken were really great!

CV: Is there an artist or band you won't invite back on your show? You don't need to name names, but share with us as to why this particular band/artist won't get a second invite. 
BL: Yeah they are a few...One band on an ego trip who demanded the questions ahead of time, then during the interview acted like it was totally spontaneous. I guess if you were listening it sounded good, but it didn't sit well with me. But prior to the interview, I was treated like a sub human and it was as fake as fake could be.  I did this once before for a band because it was their first ever interview and they were nervous and wanted to be prepared so they didn't sound bad, that was fine and I didn't mind helping out.

Another guy who I apparently should have been forever grateful for having such divinity on my show, was nothing more than a diva...I was half tempted to play Barry Manilow tunes instead of his.

CV: If you had only five songs to choose to play for every show, what would they be?
BL: This wasn't easy lol. But these are some of my personal favs:
Corners of Sanctuary - "On the Hunt"
Beyond Fallen - "The Great Distance"
Firewind - "Ode to Leonidas"
Shallow Ground - "Khan"
Prosody - "Perfection Through Dissection"

CV: Who is someone you would like to interview that you haven't?
BL: DemonBoy-I think that would be a cool interview.

CV: Biggest highlight for you being a DJ?
BL: Well it's definitely not money or fame lol, I would have to say it's the bands that send me music, the station that airs the show and the people tuned in that make it possible for me to do next show. I don't know if others would say "the next show" is a highlight but it’s always a big deal to me.

CV: Thank you again for spending some time talking and sharing with our readers. I wish you all the best and continued success.

Check out the Keep it Metal Show on Digital Revolution Radio:

The Keep it Metal Show - Thursdays 7-9:30pm EST
