Interview with K.K. Priest Guitarist A.J. Mills

By Mick Michaels

Cosmick View: Hello, A.J., and welcome to The Cosmick View. Thanks for taking some time out of your day to speak with us. It's greatly appreciated.
A.J. Mills: Hey Mick, no problem at all... thanks very much for having me.

CV: Do you think modern Heavy Metal guitar has evolved past its origins? Or are things relatively still the same? 
A.J.: Well unfortunately there is only so many notes isn’t there? Do I think modern guitar players are technically better than past greats like Van Halen, Dimebag Darrell etc., etc? No I don’t. We are very lucky that we still have a lot of the original great guitar hero’s around , I’m in a band with one of them! There’s a lot of really great players out there but unfortunately you can’t reinvent the wheel! I hope somebody proves me wrong soon!

CV: Does guitar still draw people to want to listen and engage the music while challenging the audience to imagine becoming a guitar hero themselves?
A.J.: Yes absolutely, you see lots of kids and older guitar players all over YouTube etc. doing some really great covers and also breakdown of styles and technique videos. There is a lot of good content out there nowadays which is really accessible , which is great because when I was a young kid and learning, I had to keep rewinding a tape or a CD over and over again to learn a part! I suppose that discipline gave me a good ear for it all though!

CV: As a musician being in a band with two well-known and iconic performers, K.K. Downing and Tim Owens, is it ever a concern of living up to expectations or even performance anxiety on your part with such a situation?
A.J.: No, I’m a very disciplined person. I’m very grateful I was chosen for ‘KKs Priest’ and my job is just to play to the best of my ability every night and give it my all! That’s exactly what I do and I love it.

CV: Many believe that success for a band relies on three major components; good distribution, good PR and good booking. In the new modern music industry, all of that is without a doubt achievable by the artist themselves. Do you feel more and more established acts will go the independent route and eliminate the middle man component?
A.J.: That’s a very good question. Yes you could absolutely do all that however, I’m a firm believer that an Artist should just concentrate on being an Artist and having a good team around you is paramount.

CV: Do you feel that the idea of a band eliminating those second and third party partnerships; labels, management, bookers, etc., and doing things on their own, is a direct result of artists and bands being misled and taken advantage of for so long?
A.J.: No doubt in some cases yes but it’s a hell of a task to take it all on.

CV: Many veteran artists seem to live in the past nowadays days, so we often as fans don't get to hear much new material from them. However, K K.'s Priest seems to be the complete opposite in that regard. Do you feel there is a need or want to rise above the past and to do more? Or is it a level of proving to oneself and the fans that it can be done?
A.J.: K.K still has a lot more to give to the fans, he’s still very much on form with his songwriting so why let it go to waste? Give the fans what they want I say!

CV: Do you feel that an artist's best days are always ahead of them, or is there some truth in keeping the past alive to avoid dealing with the future or at least to maintain one?
A.J.: I think it’s the Artists right to make that decision on their own terms. Being happy in life is the most important thing.

CV: Many critics believe music is irrelevant today... just background noise.  As a musician who is out there writing, releasing, and performing, from your perspective, do you still see music relevance in the world today? Is there a connection?
A.J.: Well the critics that say that are wrong, I’ve been travelling the world the last few years and saw the proof with my own eyes. People love music, people love to sing, people love to have a good time! That’s what it’s all about surly? I love being out there and making people happy.

CV: Has music in general split into too many genres and sub-genre classifications in an effort just to please an indecisive audience in your opinion? Is it just more of a marketing ploy to funnel buyers to a specific brand?
A.J. Well so many more bands are easily accessible in this day and age aren’t they? So many platforms to find them. It’s actually tougher for newer bands to break through because of this reason. I find with sub-genres now, they don’t seem to last very long.

CV: What more can fans expect to see coming from you and K.K.'s Priest in 2025?
A.J.: As I said earlier, we wrote 2 albums and have been travelling the world for the last 3 years so at the moment we are just enjoying a bit of downtime really, recharging the old batteries as they say! We’re looking forward to seeing what the future holds for sure.

CV: Thanks again, A.J., for taking the time to share with our readers. We wish you all the best and continued success.
A.J.: It’s a pleasure, again thanks very much for having me. We look forward to seeing you all out on the road again real soon. Until then, CRANK IT LOUD! 

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My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

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