Interview with Tony Dolan of Venom Inc.

By Mick Michaels

COSMICK VIEW: Hello, Tony! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to chat with me, it's greatly appreciated.

CV: Venom stands to so many as an iconic symbol of early Heavy Metal. Does that sort of historic association cause any level of concern when writing new material with Venom Inc.?
Tony Dolan: That is EXACTLY it… It STANDS as a symbol… THAT is why it is important to not let that die, to keep flying the flag of that initial intention…that spirit.. that life affirming attitude…..not try to just soak money from it to keep yourself relevant but to keep it real, vital and i do that which keeps me writing new material with that spirit and feeling

CV: Do you think modern Metal music has evolved past its origins? Or are things relatively still the same? 
TD: Beyond imagination I feel.. I do hate the categories but  understand why people feel they should be distinguished.. I just love what I love and don’t care what the high street label says on it.... You only need to look around to see how much incredible creativity, talent and empowerment has came during the evolution.. it is far far from dying  as I have heard recently.. it is still evolving and expanding….

CV: Do you think music in general still draws people to want to listen and drives them to embrace the creative process enough, to imagine becoming an artist themselves?
TD: I think it can and in some cases it does..

From my perspective? My whole aim is to inspire one person… beyond that is bonus.. As I was inspired it’s my duty to inspire…

CV: Many believe that an artist or band's success relies on three things: good PR, good distribution, and good booking. This may be true to some degree. But with that focus alone, where does that leave good songwriting? Do you think that the state of modern music has possibly forgotten about the importance of good songs like so many critics believe?
TD: Well that’s difficult to separate right there.. good songs win the day always, however without good promotion so people know you are there…good distribution so they can find the songs…and good booking so they know you are there playing, then good songs can go largely unheard….

That said, the focus shouldn’t be on money or rockstar values or gimmicks purely… great artists have great songs, even not so great artists have some good songs so i think that is the point to start from, then build the rest

CV: How much of the past do you draw on to find inspiration for the present? Or is it more a matter of being in the present to move into the future?
TD: You must ALWAYS be in the NOW, the moment, learn from past but don’t live in it!! We aren’t around long enough for that crap.

Be NOW and decisions you make will change the next moments as they come... .I am inspired every day by people not the past… Playing live inspires when you see the light in peoples eyes.... when they feel how real our presentation is.... not just some cabaret. 

CV: As an artist, do you feel some dreams hard to let go of, or maybe even impossible to achieve? Or is it a matter of believing to achieving?
TD: I never dreamt, I decided I wanted to and did. No one helped me and no one gave me a free pass. Hard work, determination, learning fast, making mistakes but knowing that to do this , you must find out if it’s who you are, not just what you like to do..

Set your goals for YOU not what others think they should be… I wanted to make ONE album and said if i did that I’d have made it and be content. I did it and I am.. everything after that i consider a privilege but bonus.... So set your goal, work hard and sacrifice to reach it.. and you will!

CV: Can both longtime and new fans of the band expect to hear a mix of past and present songs on the Beyond the Black Winter Tour? Anything in store that fans might find surprising?
TD: That’s the idea, it always was when I began ‘incorporate’ all the music.... So I we travel all over during the show from start to There’s Only Black and introduce younger fans to the material live they missed out on and at the same time play to older fans of all periods because the music created is theirs now.... Special guests have already popped up and there are more to come....

CV: In addition to the tour, what more can fans expect to see coming from Venom Inc. in 2025 and beyond?
TD: 2 Live Assault Albums, A new EP and the NEW Album… plus a European Tour, Asian/Australian tour, USA part 2 including Canada and some festival dates plus if time permits a Latin American run....

CV: Thanks again, Tony, for taking the time to share with our readers. We wish you all the best and continued success.

Check out Venom Inc. at:

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My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

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