Interview with Bassist Matthew VanFleet of Corners of Sanctuary

By Mick Michaels 

COSMICK VIEW: Hello, Matthew! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to chat with me, it's greatly appreciated.

CV: What do you feel makes Heavy Metal music so alluring to the fans? What is it about the music that personally resonates so strongly with you? Why play in a Metal band?
Matthew VanFleet: I think there's a certain personality type that's drawn to Metal. What's nice about metal is that there are all different styles of metal bands, a lot of subgenres. That's why when you say you're in a metal band or that you like metal, you always seem to have to give an example of certain bands is the Metal genre. It's a pretty broad statement when you say that you listen to metal or play in a metal band. As far as why I play in a metal band, it's basically where I was lead and my style as a bassist. I started out mostly in a rock/hard rock type band. Very driving and lots of energy. Doors continued to open up for me as far as playing and performing with bands that were already established in the hard rock/metal genre with different types of heavier influences which forced me to adapt to more technical playing.                   

CV: Do you feel
Heavy Metal music in general is viewed differently by fans now than they did back in the 80s? If so why…what has changed in your opinion?
MVF: It seems that people that genuinely enjoy metal like all different styles of bands in the subgenre of metal as well. There's definitely a huge difference if you compare metal from the 80's compared to metal right now. It's evolved into mostly drop tuned guitars, heavy breakdowns, heavy vocals, etc. But the bands that were huge back in the 80's are still holding it together now, which is fantastic. I wouldn't so much say that it's viewed differently, we've played on the same bill as death metal bands and plenty of other heavy bands in that category and we were always accepted and received very well by their audience. I think people that genuinely enjoy metal are very opened minded to the subgenres in metal.     

Has Metal splintered into too many sub-genres, which in turn is making it harder for newer bands to actually classify themselves as one style over another? Do you think it is confusing for fans as well?
MVF: Music will definitely continue to evolve into different styles and new sounds. For example, country music nowadays is basically pop with the singer singing in a country accent. As I've stated in the earlier question, saying you like metal or play in a metal band is a very broad statement with all the sub-genres. When you tell someone that knows nothing about metal music that you play in a metal band or listen to metal, they only picture screaming type vocals, heavy driving guitars, breakdowns... When that's not the reality of metal at all. There are all sorts of different styles and I notice that people who enjoy metal type music are open to bands in different sub-genres of metal.  

CV: How would you describe the current state of the music business given your years of experience, especially from a band touring perspective?
MVF: If I can be completely honest and very blunt, the business as a whole is completely shot and there's absolutely no way for anyone to make any sort of money or living doing this. It's for a sure a dead end and something you need to accept as being a full time hobby while you keep yourself afloat with a real job that will provide you with a living. And if you have a family, touring out of pocket you can only do for so long. You can be in a band that is well known and that's making good headway, making a name for themselves and doing well as far as getting noticed, establishing a following, getting on decent tours and good shows, but they'll never be able to do this full time. Them days are completely over thanks to downloading and no one buying music anymore. Everyone wanted everything for free, well here are the results. I'm by no means bitter about how things are these days, I'm just stating the facts of the way things are. I genuinely enjoy playing bass, performing, meeting all sorts of new people, and touring regionally. I can honestly say that I'm grateful, but there is a reality to it. If you truly want to give this a shot and your goal and dream is to do this full time, you can't have any other distractions or commitments outside of playing in a band and being a musician. If you're looking to be a hired gun, audition for a major band if the opportunity comes up, or even be a studio musician; you need to network, establish contacts, and have incredible musicianship (hours of practice daily). It has to be your marriage, your kids, and basically your whole life because you'll never be able to make a living and provide for anyone else but yourself if you truly want to do this. Plus, it takes a ton of time, disappointments, ups and downs, and long term commitments to really get on top. But that's also with anything in life. How can you expect to really go anywhere if you have to miss band practice or a have the band drop off of a show because you need to go to a family cookout? Take Joey to a birthday party? Give the cat a bath? The wife giving you the silent treatment for two weeks because you played out all weekend? You can't have that holding you back. Sacrifice, hard work, consistency, and total commitment to one particular goal or dream is how anyone can truly succeed. The problem with being in a band is that it's difficult to find other people that will have the same dream, mentality, work ethic, and drive.       

CV: Globally, do you see music’s impact on people fading?
MVF: I don't think it's so much fading, but definitely going into a different direction. Like I said, country music is now pop with a country accent. So, a lot of things are changing.  

CV: Tell us how you came to work with Corners of Sanctuary.
MVF: I wasn't in a band for almost two years when Mick reached out to me. I've played a few shows with Corners a few years back when I was the bassist for other bands, but I wasn't very familiar with them on a personal level. It was very unexpected and when Mick reached out, I was open to the offer. I honestly just wasn't sure if I'd be a good fit considering the types of bands I was in beforehand. After I heard from Mick and we discussed what he was looking for and what was expected of me, I felt real good about it and I decided to learn a few songs and audition. I've been with them for about a year and a half now.  

CV: What do you feel makes Corners of Sanctuary and its particular approach to songwriting work? How do you see the band’s style and sound differentiating itself from that of its peers?
MVF: It actually works out great and it's a breath of fresh air. I was never really a songwriter as far as writing all the parts, but I'd always come up with a bass riff or an idea and then the whole band would go from there. And with this band, I respect that Mick has a certain vision and sound he wants for the band. Since we're unfortunately located apart from each other as far as where we all reside, I'll send him ideas through messenger and see if he can do something with them or not. What's great is that with Mick's experience and songwriting ability he always turns them into something and is open to anything I send his way. Mick gets things done, no doubt about that. He lets me be apart of things even though I've only been with them for a short time. It's also nice to be able to play in standard tuning and not spaghetti string tuning, so I now know what I'm playing as far as music theory and these songs leave a lot of room for some nice bass lines to write as far as harmonizing the chord progressions. There's a lot of freedom for me to throw in my own spice as far as how I play the songs, whether new or older material. 

CV: Corners of Sanctuary released a new extended EP, “Metal Up,” earlier this year. Tell us a little about the EP and what’s been your experience thus far working with the band?
MVF: When I joined the band, the Metal Up album was pretty much being wrapped up, but I was able to record bass on Hunter Prey. The album is doing very well digitally, especially our song Hunter Prey which has been on a half dozen or so indie charts globally. I'm not entirely sure at how many. I like No Way Out and I'm hoping to add that into our live set. It has a nice heavy mid tempo groove. As far as working with the band, basically it's the same answer as the previous question. I can honestly say that I've never been treated with such kindness, respect, and appreciation in a band. They're honestly a great group of guys and I'm very grateful that Mick reached out to me and asked me to audition. I mean that wholeheartedly.  

CV: Are there life lessons you’ve learned being in a band that you feel cannot be taught elsewhere?
MVF: Yes, I've truly gained an education by playing in bands and have found out how evil the human heart actually is. The guys in Corners are not in this category by any means, but I don't want to get into any sort of details and it's not my place to expose anyone, but there are some people from my history that I wish I never met. They're demons in the flesh, that's for sure. However, my fault for putting so much into the things I have and putting my trust into people like that. One of the many warnings given in scripture about people like them are "Do not give to dogs what is sacred; Do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot, and then turn and attack you." Matthew 7:6 and also one directed towards my stupidity is, "One who has no sense shakes hands in a pledge and puts up security for a neighbor." Proverbs 17:18 So shame on me for sure. So that's something I've learned that you only learn through foolish decisions and trusting the wrong people which was a painful pattern of mine for many years. Only by the work and grace of God have I truly been able to move forward, leave it in His hands, and never make such foolish decisions, for anyone, ever again. So, don't ever put it past anyone, especially a bandmate(s) to stick it to you, leave you with all the pieces, and then come out smelling like rose with absolutely zero consequences for their wrongdoing. The things I used to do for bandmates I'll never do again. I now test the spirits, no longer get too close, or share too much about myself. A majority of people just want to store up as much information about you as possible so they can just use it against you at an opportune time.  

CV: What's next for you and Corners of Sanctuary? What can fans expect to see coming in 2025?
MVF: We're always busy and have something going on. We'll still be performing regularly and we're currently getting dates lined up for the new upcoming year. Mick keeps us busy and definitely knows how to run a band. We're also finishing up a new EP probably by January. I'm looking forward to it because with adding my style to the mix, it's still the same sound and vision for the band, but it definitely has a nice mix with my style added to the songs.   

CV: Thank you again Matthew for spending some time talking and sharing with our readers. It was a pleasure. I wish you all the best and continued success.

Check out Corners of Sanctuary at:






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My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

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