Interview with Vocalist Ryan McCombs of Drowning Pool


By Mick Michaels

Cosmick View: Hello, Ryan! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thanks for taking some time out of your day to speak with us. It's greatly appreciated.
Ryan McCombs: Thank YOU! I appreciate any body or bodies that take the time to keep us musicians-types connected to the people that support and enjoy our music.

CV: Do you consider being in a successful Rock band as achieving the traditional American Dream?
RM: That’s a tricky question because it’s hard to define, “successful.” For me, I reckon that I’m living a version of what being a, Successful musician” meant to me as a kid.., and every day that I’m allowed to continue to do it is truly a gift from those supporting what I’ve been a part of. BUT…! LOL

I’ve walked into dank ass bars and pubs and seen middle aged men up on stage jamming with their buds in front of about 17 people, including their wives and dog-walkers, cousins, brothers, roommate, and they couldn’t be happier with that moment right then and there. That look of truly content happiness looks and feels pretty damn successful to me.

I realize now that I’ve gotten off the road and I’m kicking at some weeds on the original point to the question sooooooo yeah…, kinda…. I think if you were born with that music bug in you, being able to find your zen in some aspect of it is achieving the traditional American Dream. Yeah…, I talk a lot… sorry….

CV: Even though Heavy Metal and similar styles have become more accepted, and some even more mainstream in the last few decades, do you feel that there is still some level of misunderstanding from those on the outside about the music, which in turn develops an unwarranted dislike or even hatred of the music, for those who have never really listened?
RM: To the, “for those who have never really listened” crowd… I couldn’t care less of their opinion. Those are the same sorts waiting on pins and needles for someone else to tell them what to hate and/or to cancel next. To the point of your question though…, I think…, I do believe that there will always be some number of people out there unfamiliar with the genre and there will always be a % of THOSE people that are quick to regurgitate the opinion that was fed to them…, I mean shit balls…, We live in a (western) world where peoples social and political views are based off of memes that are generally created by people with an agenda so you’ll always have a number of people that dislike metal because they think they’re supposed to..

CV: In the world of Rock 'n Roll, legacy artists like Drowning Pool not only continue to carry the torch for music, keeping it alive, but also demonstrate an enduring commitment to never give up and to press on. Do you feel such a combination is often lost on the general audience... not seeing the struggle most bands contend with on a daily basis to just keep moving forward?
RM: Yes….

Seriously though, yes. The days of everyone making Crue type money has long passed us by. I think there is a HUGE misconception that that’s still the case..98.9% of the bands that have “made it” out there, are working from tour to tour.., gig to gig to keep the lights on at home.. I know a lot of the artists doing it today have simi-normal jobs back home. Seriously…. The industry is a shell of what it was 10, 15, 20 years ago. I know this because I’m old as sin and I’ve been around to witness the changes.. Yet if you got that music bug in you.., your fuct…. You’ll sleep anywhere.., live on a diet of super value menu bullshit to feed that demon-like bug. We’re in the studio now and just yesterday, Mike (Drowning Pool drummer) joked that we’re just too stupid to quit, which is probably a part of it but the one thing that this band of cajuns, a Texan and a flatbilly…there are no hills in Indiana…, have in common is that we love it. Creating music… connecting with a crowd or just another individual. I wouldn’t be me without it…, and though I hate myself for it when I haven’t seen my wife or family in weeks and sometimes months…, I just gots ta!

CV: What do you believe has kept Drowning Pool still swinging for the fences all these years, despite obstacles the band has faced??
RM: The core of this band has always been Mike, CJ and Stevie ARE Drowning Pool. Those guys are more family than most families. They can get pissy with one another and love each other simultaneously every second of every day. They each, like myself, have thought about walking away from it all more times than some of the readers of this have had days on this earth. I know.., and I’m serious… LOL The core of this band has been through more together than most couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversaries. They could each taste success in other surroundings but the success that they have together is different. NO ONE outside of this unit could ever truly understand that but they know in the eyes of each one of them, THEY do.

CV: Do you concern yourself at all with genre classifications when writing music? 
RM: No…, well sorta… but mainly not… I mean in some regard, sure but mostly no.... Almost always…, no… but…, mostly no. If it’s good and it comes from the core… fukit.

CV: Are genres even at all important for casual listeners in your opinion? Or is it a matter of just going with what you like when it comes to musical tastes?
RM: Yes and no. I like a freaky wide range of music IMO. The spread of CJ’s tastes on the other hand, dwarfs mine. I think there are a lot of music lovers out there that enjoy the fact that there is a genre or even song for every emotion you experience navigating through life. There are others that like THIS or THAT genre and that’s that. I throw this into the, To Each There Own bucket.

CV: Drowning Pool is set to hit the road with Saliva on the SNAFU Le Tour 2024.What do you feel is the biggest misconception fans have of a Rock band being on the road?
RM: That we are different from Tom, Dick or Sally…. The only thing different from a touring musician and anyone else at that show is that if we have an issue at home, we can’t go home and fix it after the concert. Wife or kids are sick? We can’t do a damn thing about it. Wife wrecked the car? Kid got in trouble at school. Nothing…. Life’s issues seem to weigh more out there because you’re already missing home, you’re dealing with crew issues.., bus issues.., manager is up your arse about this.., the label is shoving some other BS down your throat. On most days, the time on stage, that 30 minutes…, an hour…, hour-30 is the ONLY time it’s all worth it. THAT is one of the most insanely true facts about all of this.

CV: Many veteran bands have grown content with past hits and back catalog fan favorites, avoiding making new music. With the band's resurgence, can fans expect new music coming from Drowning Pool?
RM: I’m in the studio as we do this… Horns UP!!

CV: In addition to the tour, what more can fans expect to see coming from Drowning Pool in 2024 and beyond?
RM: We have a JAM packed 2024… A LOT of big U.S. fests and rally’s this summer…going to be a VERY busy 2024. This line-up getting back together has had been received greatly and our demand has been awesome to experience. I will say though that for our U.S. friends, DP Family and fans out there. If you think you might need a DP fix, 2024 is the time to grab it as there is a lot of talk towards spending the majority of time with our over-seas peeps come 2025.

CV: Thanks again for taking the time to share with our readers. We wish you all the best and continued success.
RM: NO… Thank YOU! MUCH appreciate you and your readers. You all keep this music world ah spinning!


Check out Drowning Pool at:
Official Website




The Cosmick View

Where the stars always shine bright

My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

Pamela Aloia: Author, Energy Healer, Teacher
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