Interview with the Band Exilia

By Mick Michaels

The Cosmick View: Hello, and welcome to The Cosmick View/MBM Ten Pounder! Thanks for taking some time to chat with us! 

Exilia: Hey there, and thanks for having us! We're thrilled to be here with The Cosmick View/MBM Ten Pounder for this chat!

CV: Describe your definition of the band’s sound and style and how does that definition uniquely describe the music?

Exilia: Our band's sound and style can be described as a fusion of raw, emotive metal, punk, with powerful, evocative vocals. We blend elements of alternative metal and modern rock to create a distinctive, intense musical experience that resonates with our listeners. This definition uniquely captures the raw energy and emotional depth that defines our music.

CV: Today, everyone talks about artist and audience connection. Is such a level of connection actually achievable for an artist and if so, how have you made the connection to your fans?
Exilia: Absolutely, we believe that establishing a genuine connection with our fans is paramount. We achieve this by staying actively engaged on social media, responding to fan messages, and regularly interacting with our audience during live performances and events. By sharing our personal experiences and emotions through our music, we strive to create a deep and meaningful connection that resonates with our listeners.

CV: Is fan interaction an important part of the band’s inner culture?
Exilia: Fan interaction is an integral part of our band's identity and culture. We value the support and feedback from our fans, and their passion and enthusiasm drive us to continually create and deliver music that resonates with their emotions and experiences. We actively seek to cultivate a community where our fans feel heard, appreciated, and connected to our creative journey.

CV: Can a band truly interact with its fans and still maintain a level of personal privacy without crossing the line and giving up their “personal space” in your opinion?
Exilia: Balancing fan interaction and personal privacy is a delicate but essential aspect of being in the spotlight. We believe in maintaining a respectful distance to safeguard our personal lives, while still remaining accessible and engaged with our fans. Setting boundaries and managing the extent of our public persona allows us to preserve our individual identities and authenticity while fostering a strong connection with our audience.

CV: Is music, and its value, viewed differently around the world in your opinion?  If so, what do you see as the biggest difference in such multiple views among various cultures?
Exilia: Undoubtedly…the value of music is perceived differently across cultures, reflecting diverse histories, traditions, and societal norms. While certain cultures may prioritize specific genres or musical elements, others may emphasize the emotional and spiritual significance of music. Understanding and respecting these cultural nuances enables us to create music that resonates universally. Nonetheless, we firmly believe that music possesses a universal language and serves as a potent therapy, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural differences.

CV: Do you feel that a band that has an international appeal, will tend to connect more so to American audiences? Would they be more enticed or intrigued to see the band over indigenous acts because of the foreign flavor?
Exilia: Bands with international appeal often have the advantage of presenting a fresh and distinct musical perspective that can intrigue and captivate American audiences. The allure of foreign influences and diverse cultural experiences can pique the interest of listeners, offering a new and exciting musical journey. However, we believe that authenticity and genuine connection remain paramount, regardless of cultural backgrounds, fostering a shared appreciation for music that transcends geographical boundaries.

CV: Has modern-day digital technology made everyone an artist on some level in your opinion? Have the actual lines of what really is an artist been blurred?

Exilia: Modern digital technology has undoubtedly democratized the creation and distribution of music, empowering individuals to express their creativity and share their art with a global audience. While this accessibility has expanded the pool of aspiring artists, the essence of true artistry lies in the authenticity and depth of creative expression. The lines defining an artist may have blurred, but genuine talent and artistic vision remain essential in shaping meaningful and impactful musical experiences.

CV: How would you describe the difference between an artist who follows trends and one who sets them?

Exilia: An artist who follows trends often conforms to existing norms and popular styles, tailoring their music to match prevailing tastes and preferences. In contrast, an artist who sets trends pioneers innovative and original artistic directions, challenging conventions and pushing creative boundaries. They strive to create a unique and enduring musical legacy that inspires and influences the trajectory of the industry, leaving a lasting impact that shapes the cultural landscape. We stand with those who constantly strive to take the unconventional path, those unafraid to express their true selves.

CV: Has music overall been splintered into too many sub-genres in an effort to appease fan tastes in your opinion? And has such fan appeasements, in actuality, weakened music’s impact as a whole by dividing audiences?
Exilia: The proliferation of sub-genres has diversified the musical landscape, catering to an array of individual tastes and preferences, fostering inclusivity and allowing artists to explore a broad spectrum of creative expressions. While this expansion may appear divisive, it also promotes inclusivity, enabling artists and listeners to find and connect with genres that resonate deeply with their emotions and experiences.

CV: What can fans expect to see coming next from you?
Exilia: As we approach the celebration of the 20th anniversary of our iconic record 'UNLEASHED' in 2024, fans can anticipate an array of exciting events including shows, new music releases, and special collaborations. In short, they can expect everything

CV: Thanks again for taking some time and talking. It is greatly appreciated.
Exilia: Thank you for the opportunity to share our thoughts and experiences!

Check out Exilia at:
Official website:


 The Cosmick View

Where the stars always shine bright

My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

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