Interview with Multi-Instrumentalist, Singer/Songwriter JSHELL

By Mick Michaels

Cosmick View: Hello, JShell! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thanks for taking some time out of your day to speak with us. It's greatly appreciated.

CV: 15 videos in 30 days... that is a serious undertaking. What level of attention to detail is involved in such an undertaking?
JShell: I quickly found out that I had to equal the amount of attention to detail making the videos as I did making the album itself.  I had to write scripts and storyboards down to the second for almost every track while working with a host of different animators, as I wanted each video to stand out from the others in some way.  And then I decided to make a live action video for the track “My Last Request” where I had to direct three dancers and a sign language interpreter and make sure we could film the whole video in one take and we pulled it off.

CV: To make the deadline for the video releases, how far in advance did planning begin, and was there ever a point where you felt that this was too much to handle or that you may not make it?
JShell: My record label gave me the opportunity to make my own deadline, so that wasn’t an issue.  But the entire process of making the videos ended up taking about 10 months and that was after the album was fully mixed and mastered.  While it was a lot to handle, I really wanted the album to be both an audio and visual experience as we all live in a TikTok world.  I also constantly challenge myself in life and this was no different.  It turned out to be a very rewarding experience.

CV: Your new album, “In My Head,” features an array of several well-known rock artists, including Steve Hackett of Genesis and Katie Jacoby of the Who, among others. What was it like working with these heavy hitters? Did you find you had to pinch yourself on several occasions?
JShell: It was an honor and a privilege.  My favorite band is Genesis, so when Steve Hackett answered my email and said he would contribute, I was really excited and he turned out to be one of the nicest and most generous humans I’ve ever met.  The Who is also right up there for me and when I saw Katie Jacoby shredding it on her violin with the band, I immediately reached out and she was amazing both as a musician and a person.  I have to add that in addition to the well-known guests, I was able to have some of my closest friends and family members contribute, and that was just as much of a thrill for me. 

CV: How has your eclectic musical background and influences served you in making this audio visual album in your opinion? How does it shine through in this production?
JShell: My influences include Genesis, The Beatles, The Who, Queen, Rush, Journey, Billy Joel, Iron Maiden and Phish, just to name a few, and they’re all present and accounted for on the album.  To me, these artists represent both catchy melodies and prog rock, so the goal for me was to make songs that stayed in your head while having a lot going on musically.  Every note and beat is deliberate and I think I achieved what I set out to do in the spirit of the artists that shaped me.

CV: Is recording all of the album's tracks; drums, bass, keyboards, guitar, vocals yourself something that just makes the entire production process easier to contend with as compared to working with a band or a multitude of studio musicians in your opinion?
JShell: It’s both easier and harder.  It’s easier because although I really like collaboration, I wanted the album to be a true reflection of what goes on “in my head” which meant that I didn’t have to compromise any of the decisions I wanted to make.  Of course, that meant I took on a lot more responsibility than I ever had making a record.  The hardest part was playing guitar as I had never been much of a guitar player going into recording the album but I knew that the rhythm guitar playing and sound is arguably the most important part of any rock track.  And so I forced myself out of my comfort zone and played most of the rhythm guitar - and actually did a few guitar solos as well - just to make sure that I realized my vision.

CV: Which track from "In My Head" represents the album's masterpiece in your opinion…the one track to rule them all?
JShell: That track is “Meant To Be”.  Every track on the album is less than 5 minutes except for “Meant To Be” which is almost 9 minutes and is my attempt at a prog rock epic. 

CV: What more can fans expect to see coming from you in 2023?
JShell: Right now I’m just focused on doing everything I can to get the word out about “In My Head”.  Doing promotion and public relations is just as important as recording and making videos, so I’m just really focused on that right now.  Technically “Haunted” and “You Do You” are the first singles and I’m hoping to push at least 2 or 3 more of the tracks as singles in the near future.

CV: Thanks again, JShell, for taking the time to share with our readers. We wish you all the best and continued success.

Check out JSHELL at:


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 The Cosmick View

Where the stars always shine bright

My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

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