COSMICK BLAST: Interview with Wild Thorn (UK) Vocalist Ash Robertson

By Mick Michaels

COSMICK VIEW: Hello, Ash! Welcome to The Cosmick View’s “Cosmick Blast”. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to chat with me, it's greatly appreciated.

CV: What do you see as the greatest advantage an artist or band can have or gain from their influences?
Ash Robertson (VOCALS): Musical influences are the reason why we all get into music in the first place. The biggest thing I think we take away is looking at the bands we love and enjoy and trying to do something different or take it even further. For example, our main influences are Guns N Roses, Motley Crue, Queen, Motorhead, Van Halen. Well what would it be like to sound like a bit of all 5? Wouldn’t that be cool, haha! Not just that but stage presence is very important to all of us. By looking up to bands and artists you admire you can work that into your own stage presence, reshape it and give it your own take.

CV: Can a band have too many influences? Any downside in your opinion? Is a band at risk of sounding more like an imitation or copy cat band rather?
AR: I think that if you try and work on too many things the sound of the band can be all over the place. However, by changing this up song by song you can diversify your sound and keep people interested. That’s what we try and do and with the latest music we have been working on during the COVID-19 lockdown we have tried to make sure each track sounds different.

CV: Does being labeled a "Rock" band allow for a more diverse songwriting pallet, thus, widening the overall potential fan base? I hate labels and being categorized.
AR: At the end of the day we think of ourselves as a Rock band. We play Rock n Roll. It might be louder, faster, harder but its Rock n Roll. If you want to categorize it then that’s up to you but we are a Rock band in our hearts and that’s what we want people to think of us as.

CV: Can artist be all things? Today an artist is expected to be a songwriter, performer, producer, engineer, artist, marketing guru, social media expert, Booker, promoter....and the list goes on.  Is it feasible for an artist to wear so many hats without sacrificing the music?
AR: Well today that is something that you have to be able to do to get anywhere. If I could give any advice to anyone I would say you have to be able to do a bit of everything in order to get your band to the next level. Sometimes it can rack your brain trying to think of new creative and inventive things to do in your band but at the end of the day try do what feels right in your heart and people will appreciate seeing someone on stage playing music because they love it, not because they are chasing fame or just because they want to be a rock star.

CV: Wild Thorn filmed their recent video in both Los Angeles and in the UK. What was the experience like and what do you feel shooting a video in two international locations brings to the video’s overall look and presentation? Do you believe it gives the video production more appeal?
AR: Well I certainly hope it does! We were hoping by adding shots of some famous locations such as Sunset Strip, The Whisky, Rainbow and singing under the Hollywood sign would give it more appeal. The song we used is our own song called “Too Hot For Hollywood” so it certainly felt very appropriate to do so. We would love to play the song in LA one day and hope to make the trip over eventually. We tried to capture the spirit of playing in Wild Thorn, being on the road and pay homage to the Sunset Strip and LA by featuring it as a location.

CV: What do you as the biggest difference between being a band from the UK and being a band from the US?
AR: Well the UK has a huge history of famous bands, The Who, Queen, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles to name a few. Quite remarkable for such a small place. I think having the history of bands like this embedded in our culture plays a big part in influencing us as a UK band. We also have big festival culture in the UK with places like Glastonbury, Donington being famous for hosting Rock festivals which we grew up around and attended over the years.

It’s a smaller place than the US, so touring the UK is a little easier obviously, but we would love to get over to the US and play eventually and certainly playing on the Sunset Strip for us would be a dream come true.  
CV: What's next for Wild Thorn post COVID-19? What can fans expect?
AR: Well we are currently working with a new management company which we are very excited about. We have joined with PPD management in the UK and are working on tours and opportunities for the future. We also have been developing a new merch line as well as working on brand new material. We have 12 new songs in the works. As soon as we can get rehearsing properly we will be blasting out the new tunes and getting our new stage show ready. We hope to return very soon. In the meantime check us out online and follow us on Instagram and on our official Spotify page.

CV: Thank you again Ash for spending some time talking and sharing with our readers. It was a pleasure. I wish you all the best and continued success.
AR: Thanks for having us.

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My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

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