Catch A Rising Star Series: Interview with the band Liliac

By Mick Michaels

COSMICK VIEW: Hello, Liliac! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to chat with me, it is greatly appreciated.

CV: What is your perspective on the current state of the music industry? Given the massive changes within the industry during the past decade, do you feel building a livelihood around music can be a valid career choice?
LILIAC: The music industry nowadays has changed from what it used to be. Anyone can make music at a home studio which is very convenient. We feel that music is a valid career choice because music is a big part of our world and people will always keep listening to music. However, you need to be unique in order to stand out from the rest…you have to be yourself and do what you love. Music is entertainment and most people find happiness and joy in it.

CV: Has your experience thus far shed any light or given you any insight as to how to navigate such wildly changing musical currents to steer your career towards success? What have you found works for you?
LILIAC: We found that social media plays a huge role to gaining lots of new fans. What worked for us is that we made music videos for the songs that we cover and when we put them on YouTube and other social platforms, people started sharing our content and things started to kick off and we gained fans from all over the world. 

CV: Tell us a little about your specific style of music and what it is about the music that connects you to it. And how do you see your music connecting to others?
LILIAC: Our specific style of music is Hard Rock with Metal influences and the reason why we connect to it so much is because it’s real, good, energetic music. The effort of playing an instrument takes a lot of hard work and when you listen or watch someone play, it just blows your mind. Also, we love Rock music because there’s a lot of attitude and soul that comes from it. And that’s what we hope our music does for others…that they feel something special and that they rock out!

CV: What do you see are the biggest obstacles new artists face on their road to stardom? Are you experiencing certain challenges and if so, how are you working to overcome them?
LILIAC: We feel that some of the biggest obstacles that new artists face are trying to create professional content. For instance, making a music video is costly and if you don’t have the funds to create your good content, it’s quite difficult. As well as gaining a strong fanbase is something that artists find hard to achieve. At first we struggled with these obstacles, but after sticking with it and putting our hard work in we started getting recognized and we were able to achieve these obstacles. At the beginning we would go every weekend to the Santa Monica pier to perform in front of new crowds all the time. This helped a lot with getting recognized and helping us improve our skills. 

CV: Every career has its competitive edge…music is no different. What have you done in your own career that sets you apart from other artists?
LILIAC: There’s a lot of competition out there but what sets us apart from others is that we are a family. Being a family alone captivates people because there aren’t many family bands out there. These days, lots of families aren’t united and when they see that a family can come together and share the same love and passion for music, it just makes them happy. 

CV: Many claim that young artists today have a sense of entitlement.  These artists are often accused of feeling they do not need to pay their dues as many others have done in the past. What are your thoughts? Have new artists taken such a stand when it comes to putting in the time and effort? Are the critics right?
LILIAC: All we know is that, being in a Rock band takes a lot of hard work. The main reason why is you have to practice everyday to be perfect on your instrument. You have to get out there and perform with lots of energy and attitude at shows. You have to work together in writing your own songs and going to the studio to record and get albums done. Especially since we are an independent band we have to do everything ourselves.

CV: Do you feel the ease and access of modern digital technology has made many young artists impatient? Some feel as though this impatience has led to rushed releases and a lack luster catalog of music, all in pursuit of fame and fortune. Do you agree with such an assessment? Are newer artists in such a rush to “make it” that ample time to hone their craft is being neglected?
LILIAC: The access of modern digital technologies can be very useful and non useful in many various ways. It helps a lot of independent people in the music industry, such as us, to be able to record, produce, and create music all on their own. For us it’s a very useful tool, but practice and hard work is still needed in order to succeed.

CV: What traits do you find you possess that are positively working for you and your career and that you believe others should have?
LILIAC: The fact that we’re very positive people…that we work together and we have strong family values is really working for us and our career because were able to not let anything bring us down…that we’re hard workers, and this all affects the music we write, which makes it quite intriguing. 

CV: Is dabbling in different musical genres and promoting across multiple audiences something artists should do in today's industry landscape? Can it be sustainable or could an artist spread themselves too thin over time and possibly end up with far less than they originally hoped or intended for?
LILIAC: What we found out is that since we’re a Rock and Heavy Metal band, our fans are also fans of Rock and Heavy Metal. I know what a surprise…haha! We think it’s important to focus on your niche because no matter what genre, there will be people who love that. 

CV: How would you describe your musical essence? What makes you the artist that you are?
LILIAC: We’re a Heavy Metal Family Rock Band who work together as an independent band to create fist pumping music, perform with massive attitude and energy, and accomplishing our Rock n Roll dream!

CV: What are you currently working on and where do you go from here... what's next?
LILIAC: We are currently working on our second original full length album. At this moment in time we are still on our first tour with special performances on the Kiss Kruise coming soon…but as soon as we get back to LA we will start on recording our original songs and knock them out one by one.

CV: Thank you again for spending some time talking and sharing with our readers. I wish you all the best and continued success.
LILIAC: Thank you very much for having us and we appreciate your patience! Rock On and Rock Hard!

Check out LILIAC at:

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My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

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