Interview with Transmetal (Mexico) Bassist and Solo Artist Lorenzo Partida

By Mick Michaels

COSMICK VIEW: Hello, Lorenzo! Welcome to TheCosmick View. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to chat with me, it is greatly appreciated.
Lorenzo Partida: Hola COSMICK VIEW. Gracias a ustedes por su amable interes en miā€¦.

Hello Cosmic View! Thank you for your kind interest in me...

CV: Lorenzo, what has kept you motivated to create music all these years?
LP: Desde muy joven fui atraido por la musica y todo ese sentimiento que te envuelve y te aprisiona.Nunca dude en que la musica seria mi vehiculo para expresarme y donde construiria mi propia cabaƱa  para crear y estar rodeado de musica todo el tiempo.Descubri tantas sensaciones gratas que sigo aqui como el primer dia. 

Since I was very young I was attracted to the music and all that feeling that surrounds you and imprisons you. Never doubted that music would be my vehicle to express myself and where I would build my own cabin to create and be surrounded by music all the time. I discovered so many sensations. I am thankful that I remain in such a place as I have since the beginning.

CV: Has there ever been a time in your long career where you ever felt like packing it in and calling it quits? And if so, what was it that kept you pushing forward and not to give up? Was there one particular inspiration that made you think otherwise?
LP: SI, En varias ocaciones he estado a punto de abondonar esta mision, he sido presa de la incertidumbre y el desconsueloā€¦Pero siempre se antepone el gran amor que tengo por este arte y ademas en cualquier otro sitio o actividad no me sentiria pleno y completo como me siento con la musica.
Siempre existe algo dentro de tiā€¦.que te impulse a continuar aun bajo las peores adversidadesā€¦.asi que tomalo con calma y disfruta!!

Yes, on several occasions I have been on the verge of abandoning this mission. I have been prey to uncertainty and despair... But always because of the great love that I have for this art I did notā€¦I donā€™t see myself in any other place or activityā€¦I would not feel full and complete in much the same way as how I feel about the music. There is always something inside you... that drives you to continue even under the worst adversities... so take it calmly and enjoy!!

CV: If you werenā€™t writing and playing music, what career path would you have taken?
LP: Seguramente seria un gran diseƱador y decorador de interioresā€¦tengo una gran afinidad con los colores y espaciosā€¦ 

Surely I would be a great designer and interior decorator...I have a great affinity with colors and spaces...

CV: Transmetal has been delivering music since the 80's (1987).  How do you see the band has change over the years; comparing the Transmetal of then to the band today?
LP: Indudablemente nuestra banda TRANSMETAL ha cambiado atraves de 32 aƱos que llevamos juntos,las producciones son mejores ahora, la ejecucion, la composion y las ideas han madurado mucho, seguimos tratando de interesar a la gente que nos sigue , con ideas mas frescas y buscando un lugar donde TRANSMETAL pueda seguir existiendo como bandaā€¦
Undoubtedly our TRANSMETAL band has changed through the 32 years we have been togetherā€¦the productions are better nowā€¦the execution, composition and ideas have matured a lot. We are still trying to keep the interest the people who follow us with fresh ideas and always looking for a place where TRANSMETAL can continue to exist as a band...

CV: There seems to be no shortage in supply of fans for Transmetal. How does the band stay musically current in such a diverse, and often times, erratic industry?
LP: Nos hemos dado cuenta que hoy en dia, hay nuevos fanaticos del metal, gente muy joven que esta descubriendo nuestros primeros albumes y se enganchan con nosotros, lo cual es todo un honor!
No existe alguna receta para mantenerse vigente en esta industria tan cambiante y a veces tal hostil. Creo que lo mas importante que tenemos, es la gente que nos Brinda su apoyo y siempre esta pendiente de nuestras actividadesā€¦.sin ellosā€¦no existiriamos ya!!

We have realized that nowadays there are new fans of Metal; very young people who are discovering our first albums and get hooked on usā€¦which is an honor!

There is no recipe to stay current in this changing and sometimes hostile industry. I think the most important thing we have is the people who support us and are always aware of our activities... without themā€¦we would not exist anymore!!

CV: What do you think has been the key factor in the incredible longevity of Transmetal; what has kept the band ticking? Is it more than just the music?
LP: Esta larga existencia como banda ha sido generada por la dedicacion y pasion por la musica y la ayuda desinteresada de muchas personasā€¦.y repitoā€¦sobre todo del publico, ellos nos dieron ese poder.
Por otro lado consideRo que TRANSMETAL ha cumplido el proposito de la musica que esā€¦ COMUNICAR, ESTREMECER Y SACUDIR LA MENTE DEL PUBLICO.
This long existence as a band has been generated by the dedication and passion for music and the selfless help of many people... and I repeat... especially the fans, they gave us that power.
On the other hand, I consider that TRANSMETAL has fulfilled the purpose of the music that is ... COMMUNICATING, EXPANDING AND SHAKING THE PUBLIC'S MIND.

CV: Fans of the band seem to have such a personal connection to the music. What do you think has created such a bond with them?
LP: Creo que nuestras letras nos han acercado y unido con el publico, les contamos las mismas historias de vida que viven ellos, los desconentos y nubarrones que adornan la vida y aunque nuestra musica es muy sencilla, esta  siempre ESTA replete de emociones y sentimentos verdaderos.
I think our lyrics have brought us closer and united with the public. We tell them the same life stories they live, the disconnects and clouds that adorn lifeā€¦and although our music is very simple, it is always full of emotions and true feelings.

CV: Lorenzo, besides your time with Transmetal, you also have a very successful solo career as well as several other projects including Ultratumba, Cornucopia, Black Zodiac and you are the founder and president of La Mazakuata Records.  How do you balance it all? Is there ever a feeling of being overwhelmed or of being pulled in so many directions? How do you make it all work?
LP: Debo admitir que las cosas no son como parecenā€¦algunos de mis proyectos han fructificado casi inmediamente, y otros casi me han dejado en la ruinaā€¦sin embargo me entusiasma tanto inmiscuirme en cualquier propuesta musical o liricaā€¦estoy dedicado complentamente a la musica y a escribir poesia, lo cual no es un trabajo para mi, es mi placer y gozo personalā€¦en ocaciones la recompense economica ha sido nulaā€¦pero el placer y el gusto por haberlo hecho ha sido enorme!!!

I must admit that things are not as they seem... some of my projects have borne success almost immediately, and others have almost left me in ruins. However, I am so excited to be involved in any musical or lyric proposal... I am completely dedicated to music and writing poetry, which is not a job for me, it is my personal pleasure and joy ... sometimes the economic reward has been null... but the pleasure, the personal pleasure for having done it has been enormous!

CV: Tell us a little about what prompted you to go out on your own to make music while continuing your role in Transmetal.
LP: Inicie mi Proyecto de POETA ELECTRICO porque quise redondear  las lecturas poeticas que realizamos cada vez que tenemos un Nuevo libro.
Asi que alternamos una recitacion de un texto y despues se interpretaba otro  pero musicalizado con guitarra Acustica y voz.
Esto me resulto un hermoso reto y decidi continuarlo

I started with my ā€œElectric Poet Projectā€ because I wanted to round up the poetic readings we make every time we have a new book.

So we alternated a reading of a textā€¦and then another one was musically interpreted with acoustic guitar and voice.
This was a beautiful challenge for me and I decided to continue...

CV: Were the other members of Transmetal supportive of your decision to work on other musical projects?
LP: Supongo que siā€¦siempre los inmiscuye y hacia que me acompaƱaranJJ

I suppose if...I always included them and made them accompany me

CV: Here in the States, there has been a lot debate over the last few years on whether or not Rock is dead.  Is there a similar sentiment or concern in Mexico? Are fans sharing a belief?
LP: La industria musical jamas dejara que el rock y el metal muera, porque estos generos musicales generan toneladas de dinero, la industria musical  siempre esta en la busqueda de nuevos talentos para Hacerlos producir y crear nuevos subgeneros de la musica.
Cuando se satura de modas musicales siempre  es preocupante ya que el publico y sobre todos los musicos no saben donde quedaran resagados.
The music industry will never let Rock and Metal die because these musical genres generate tons of money. The music industry is always looking for new talents to make them produce and create new sub-genres of music.

When the industry becomes over-saturated with musical fashions, it can always be worrisome because the fans and all the musicians never really know where they will end up.

CV: You have a unique perspective on the music industry. As a label owner and artist, how have you seen the music industry change over the last decade?
LP: Ahora con estas nuevas empresas de descargas digitales han venido a matar la existencia del format fisico, han absorbido a todos los compradores y nos han dejado sin nada, las inversions no se recuperan, algunas personas solo se dedican a bajar musica gratisā€¦se ha vuelto un caos mundial!!
Afortunadamente en estos dias a regresado la fiebre por los VINYLES Y LOS CASSETESS, no dudo, que muy pronto el  CD Y EL ACETATO REINEN DE NUEVO.

Now that we have all these new digital download companies available, the existence of the physical format is being killed. They have absorbed all buyers and have left us with nothing. The costs on the artistsā€™ end are not able to be recoveredā€¦some people are only dedicated to offering downloaded music for free... it has become a global chaos!

Fortunately, in these days the fever for the VINYL AND THE CASSETTE has returned. I do not doubt that very soon the CD AND THE ACETATE REIGN AGAIN.

CV: From your point of view, how does the music industry in Mexico compare to the industry in the United States?  Are there parallels that each share or are they two completely different beasts?
LP: USA, es el pais mas poderoso en muchos aspectos y sobre todo en la industria musical del rock y metalā€¦ustedes han construido verdaderas empresas musicales como METALLICA que genera ganancias millonarias.
En MEXICO existen algunas bandas de ā€œrock suaveā€ que producen enormes ganancias, pero no podemos compararlos ni competir.

The United States is the most powerful country in many aspectsā€¦especially in the Rock and metal Music industry... You have built real music giants like METALLICA that generate millions in profits.

In MEXICO there are some bands of "soft Rock" that produce huge profits, but we cannot compare them to what the US has or compete.

CV: What advice would you offer to a young Metal band starting out today?
LP: Bueno, no me siento capacitado para dar algun consejo o recetaā€¦peroā€¦para iniciar cualquier Proyecto musical o de otra indoleā€¦debe existir una enorme determinacion, una gigantesca passion y una entrega total!! 

Well, I do not feel qualified to give any advice or start any musical project or any other endeavor... there must be a huge determination, a gigantic passion and a total commitment!!

CV: What's next for you?
LP: Yo verdaderamente deseo continuar hacienda musica y poesiaā€¦tengo un Nuevo libro que se editara muy prontoā€RECITACIONES PARA EL DIABLOā€
y un Nuevo album compartido con mis colegas JULIO MARQUEZ y ELENA COKER
I truly wish to continue doing music and poetry... I have a new book that will be published very soon "RECITATIONS FOR THE DEVIL" and a new album shared with my colleagues JULIO MARQUEZ and ELENA COKER.

CV: Thank you again Lorenzo for spending some time talking and sharing with our readers. It has been an honor. I wish you all the best and continued success.

Check Lorenzo and Transmetal at:
La Mazakuata Records:

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My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.


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