Interview with DemUnillusions

By Mick Michaels

Cosmick View: Hello, and welcome to The Cosmick View. Thanks for taking some time out of your day to speak with us. It's greatly appreciated.
DemUnillusions: Thank you for this opportunity!

CV: What do you feel are three essential characteristics, aside from style, genre, or even to some degree technical abilities, a band or artist should possess to help set them apart in thus business?
DemUnillusions: In our opinion these are catchy melodies, intellectuality of the material, visual independence or originality.

CV: Why do you think there's been a massive shift and decline in music's overall popularity in recent years? Are streaming platforms really to blame?
DemUnillusions: I guess, in a general sense, all art has this problem. Society has become as close as possible to uncontrolled consumption. People are increasingly looking for a momentary satisfaction of their current need for anything. That's why art is getting dumber, turning into a farce for satisfaction. And it drowns itself, not realizing that it has become part of the problem of degradation.

CV: Has modern music become just another disposable commodity to listeners?  
DemUnillusions: Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. At least that's what it's all about. We can only hope that society will become saturated with such a pace and lack of meanings, get overexcited, release the need for a one-time endorphin, and one day we will start to return to intellectual development.

CV: The music scene on all levels seems to be in a constant state of flux. Music has found itself splintered in multiple sub sections.  Do artists and bands need to reinvent constantly or at least with every release to  better appeal to modern-day music audiences?
DemUnillusions: If it's just about attracting an audience, if we put creativity aside and focus on profitability - then no, we don't need to come up with anything new. That's the point of one-off hits that make fantastic money. The point is “you've heard it before.” It's always something familiar to your brain that falls within the scope of being a hit. It's the same thing, all over again.

CV: Tell us a little about your latest release. How do you feel this project separates itself from similar releases?
DemUnillusions: Our last release was in June - Who Are You With Now? It's hard to judge how we differ. That's best for the listener to say. An attentive listener. When it comes to the approach to our work, we do what comes out of us on its own, without looking at how it should be done now or how it's fashionable.

CV: With digital downloading and streaming seeming to make full-length albums almost obsolete, do you feel audience consumption of music would serve itself better with a "less is more" attitude? Are EPs and singles the way to go these days?
DemUnillusions: Everything is a way to promote these days. The key is “these days.” I guess a lot depends on your goals. And, of course, you need to know how to promote yourself. Then any tools will be available for use.

CV: Everyone from Elvis and the Beatles to Metallica and Disturb have done cover songs. Do you believe that artists and bands need to include cover songs in their own body of releases as a way to gain a larger portion of a supporting audience?
DemUnillusions: I don't think these covers are done to gain an audience. I think it's a creative impulse of the artist to take that step. That's how the artist's own song is playing in his head right now. And he can realize it, and, most importantly, he wants to.

CV: What more can fans expect to see coming from you in 2024 and beyond?
DemUnillusions: We plan to release another single before the end of the year. After that there should be an EP, it's already recorded. Maybe we'll get to some videos.

CV: Thanks again for taking the time to share with our readers. We wish you all the best and continued success.

Check out DemUnillusions at:

The Cosmick View

Where the stars always shine bright

My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

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