Inter view with AleX of Violet Breed

By Mick Michaels

Cosmick View: Hello AleX, and Welcome to The Cosmick View!

CV: What do you feel sets the band apart from other bands, especially those of similar sound and style? What's specific allure your sound and style have that has people taking notice?
AleX: Well the band is a collaboration of two people who both have something different to offer. Brian is an incredible musician/ songwriter and producer. His drive and leadership in the music industry is inspiring to be a part of. So Violet Breed is quite unique in that sense. Brian offers a wealth of experience to the band, which I think instantly separates us from others I think… As for me, I guess I’m still learning but I like to feel I can offer some different ideas too…Maybe a slightly rawer aspect? Creating a fresh new rock sound. We love to focus on the song writing formula and the melody especially.

CV: For any band, dynamics is key to grabbing an audience's attention. What do you feel is the main ingredient to having such a captivating dynamic and being able to bring something more to the music?
AleX: Our dynamic is quite unique. Me and Brian above everything  are great friends who share the same passion and inspirations in music. So when it comes to the dynamics of band, things just flow. We have the same vision of what it is we want to achieve in the band. I think that reflects well on the audience. What you see is a band who wants to write great rock songs and perform them to highest level! 

CV: How would you describe the ultimate musical experience for your fans? And how does the band go about creating that musical vision, while generating the impact the band wants to have on its audience?
AleX: I guess the ultimate musical experience for the fans would be writing the best songs we can produce. Musically we can offer a flamboyancy style in the musicianship. But when it comes to writing, the image and the visual experience, I guess we like the whole ‘less is more vibe?’ Let the songs and performance speak for themselves, hopefully captivating our audience. 

CV: The music business has always been one that regardless of who you are, where you came from or where you've been, you can either sink or swim.  Does this type of realism have any effect on how the band drives itself to succeed? 
AleX: Well luckily I’m in a band with Brian Wheat of Tesla… So naturally we’ve got someone who can steer the ship in the right direction with his forty years in the music industry. But I think at the same time, especially me, I try and separate myself from those pressures of the music industry and focus on the things we can control, which is writing songs and introducing them to our audience. 

CV: In your opinion, is there any middle ground for a band or is it a do or die climate in today's music industry?
AleX: I think if you have something that you believe in, and all the parts are there, then you should take the dive and go for it. 

CV: How would you describe the band's internal energy? Does the band’s outward appearance align with its true inward nature from your perspective?
AleX: I’ve never really thought of our internal energy, and how it could be portrayed outwards…  But I feel like there’s a strong sense of inner belief in what we are doing. There’s a certain confidence in what Violet Breed is a could be… Hopefully that comes across in the music. 

CV: What's at the core of the band's songwriting approach? Are there certain elements that are considered when a song begins to take form and evolves? 
AleX: The core of the songwriting process is always about the melody of the vocal…making sure nothing is stepping over it or interfering. Brian and I have a great process. We sit down with an acoustic guitar and sketch/map the idea and build textures and layers from there. We call it ’Song Mapping’ Then we focus on melody. It’s an effortless process for us and really enjoyable! Especially for me, learning new crafts of Brian! 

CV: Do you allow things to just happen when writing; seeing where a song goes, or is there a certain course of action and structure you keep a song on, thus, essentially making it destined to achieve its overall potential?
AleX: We certainly have a formula now I believe… Brian is a genius at arranging the songs in their perfect form. But in the moment we just see where the song takes us. Naturally someone will have a core idea to introduce whether it’s a chorus or a verse etc…. And we start from there. Our aim and the end of the day is to write great rock songs for people. Our main asset is that we share the same inspirations… We love Queen, The Beatles and the solo McCartney records… So we’re always exploring those elements too….

CV: Do you feel how the fans and critics describe the band’s music accurately reflects how you would describe the band’s music?
AleX: So far people have been very receptive and are loving the new single ‘Awake’ and the band. I think it reflects upon us well and the music. It’s very early days as it’s our debut single release, so we’re still discovering new fans. 

CV: What more can fans look forward to seeing coming from the band?
AleX: We’re planning some future single releases I believe and campaigns… So eventually they’ll be new music on the way! 

But for now, we’re enjoying the ride and the process of releasing our music to the world! Fully concentrated on the new single ‘Awake’ and getting it out there across social media platforms, streaming services and interviews about the band. 

CV: Thank you again for spending some time talking and sharing with our readers. I wish you all the best and continued success.
Thank you so much for having me! It’s been absolute pleasure to answer these questions and explore Violet Breed! I’d like to thank all the readers for taking the time to discover our new band and music! Thank you!

Check out Violet Breed at:

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My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

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