Interview with the Vocalist Svetlana Bliznakova Sevi of SEVI (Bulgaria)

Photo by Dimitar Kichukov


By Mick Michaels

COSMICK VIEW: Hello! Welcome to The Cosmick View. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to chat with me, it's greatly appreciated.

CV: Do you feel Heavy Metal music in general is viewed differently by fans in Europe compared to fans elsewhere, especially in America, and if so why?
Svetlana Bliznakova Sevi: Well, we haven’t been in America yet but I believe that Heavy Metal music is an universal language that gathers the fans in one unique and pure emotion no matter where they come from.

I feel incredible every time seeing the reaction of fans in Germany, Switzerland or Italy or Bulgaria. Music has no nationality. It’s an emotion.

CV: What do you feel makes Heavy Metal music so alluring to the fans? What is it about the music that personally resonates so strongly with you?
SBS: It just tells the truth! And it’s not only heavy metal, I believe that the strongest instrument about art is being honest… at least for me and from my experience so far. Telling true stories from the real life, revealing deep emotions from the darkest corners of the soul allures the fans. For me personally music and heavy metal in particular is a way of living, a religion.

Has Metal splintered into too many sub-genres in your opinion, thus, making it harder for newer bands to actually classify themselves as one style over another?  Is it confusing for fans as well?
SBS: I think it’s already a bit confusing for us artists to define our music as well haha… but this is the new world we are living in - confusing….

CV: How would you describe the current state of the music business considering we are now living in a post-COVID world? Have things drastically changed long-term for artists and bands given the recent pandemic? What are your thoughts?
SBS: Unfortunately, this COVID thing changed people’s minds somehow. To my opinion some of them got used to the idea of not going out so much and to feel good in isolation. The so called pandemic convinced us somehow to “receive” everything we need at home, and not to go out there and being part of anything – whether it be an event, a meeting or else. We just sit and wait for the next “order” to be delivered. We are speaking a lot about this result in our new video “World that doesn’t fit.”

CV: What do you feel makes your band and its particular approach to songwriting work? What keeps the band together and making music?
SBS: I think it’s our devotion and our belief in music. We are gathered around the idea of creating original art and tell real stories, to make concerts and exchange energy and emotions with people all over the world. Something that in the world of AI will be rare to find soon I am afraid.

CV: On a more global view, how do you see your band’s music and songwriting separating itself from just being another Heavy Metal act? 
SBS: I think that people should answer that question. I hope we are somehow different and that we manage to stay authentic. I believe in the uniqueness of every artist and I hope that we – SEVI are leaving our personal trail out there.

CV: Can an artist truly be unique? Some would argue there is no such thing as being unique; that it’s nothing more than a compounding of influences making an artist who or what they are. Would this then say that artists today are destined to be just copies of those who have already come to pass?
SBS: There are different understandings behind the word “unique”. Still, I think that every artist and every person is unique by its nature. Unfortunately, nowadays with all the variety that surrounds us, the artists are somehow forced to create more and more strange sounds, aspects, shows and somehow the focus from just wiring a good, strong song that would touch the soul moves to the idea of singing upside down or playing guitar with our legs.... So, I will repeat myself by saying that the uniqueness comes when you are honest and authentic.

CV: Are there life lessons to learn being in a Heavy Metal band that you feel cannot be taught elsewhere? If so, what are they?
SBS: For sure living a heavy metal life makes you stronger and resistant. And it’s not only about heavy metal. I mean when you are a musician especially unsigned/self-producing one you learn to hear “No” for so many times without losing faith and you learn how to fall and get up again for 50 times a week that in the end there are few things that can harm you. So, I think that being a metal helps you learn how to be strong and to fight for your dreams, how to be a survivor, an emotional soldier.

CV: What do you feel makes someone a “rock star”? Does being a rock star automatically make one iconic or are the two completely different in your opinion?
SBS: I think that everybody put different meaning and understanding behind the expression “rock star”. But I also believe that the Real Rock Stars don’t feel that way for themselves. They are humble and spiritual artists who don’t use fame just to hear people call them “rock stars” or to publish every second of their lives in the social media. They just want to leave a message, change the world or help somebody go through tough times… and yes, probably they become iconic for the people they have touched with their art. I can say that from personal experience because during the years we had the privilege to meet in person many artists that people classify like “rock stars”.


CV: What's next for you? What can fans expect to see coming as the world looks to surmount a new normal laced with a load of restrictions?
SBS: Well, we are working on an upcoming tour to present our new album “Genesis”. We will be playing Serbia, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, England, Scotland and more. Get ready to see us on the stage of Winter Storm Festival Scotland (Nov 30) and Planet Rockstock, England (Nov 28

CV: Thank you again for spending some time talking and sharing with our readers. It was a pleasure. I wish you all the best and continued success.

Check out SEVI at:

The Cosmick View

Where the stars always shine bright

My name is Mick Michaels...I'm an artist, music fan, songwriter, producer, show host, dreamer and guitarist for the traditional Heavy Metal band Corners of Sanctuary. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me; what I couldn't say in speech, I was able to do with the written word.  Writing has given me a voice and a way for me to create on a multitude of platforms including music and song, articles, independent screenplays, books and now, artist interviews. The Cosmick View is an opportunity to raise the bar and showcase artists in a positive and inspirational light. For me, it's another out-of-this-world adventure.

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